There Is No After
Shortly before Christmas last year, I sent a message to Jeff Sharlet, a writer I don’t know, thanking him for memorializing the dead. It was a Sunday night, past 2 a.m., and though I can’t remember the specific thing keeping me awake I know its basic contours. Most every feeling I’ve had this year...
Platform News: Rounded Outlines, GPU-Accelerated SVG Animations, How CSS Variables Are Resolved
In the news this week, Firefox gets rounded outlines, SVG animations are now GPU-accelerated in Chrome, there are no physical units in CSS, The New York Times crossword is accessible, and CSS variables are resolved before the value is inherited.…
The post Platform News: Rounded Outlines...
Nifty News: NYT says NFTs in pandemic-fueled bubble, Polkamon eggs produce $1M gas ...
NYT likens the NFT bubble to the plague induced “tulip mania” of the 1600s, Polkamon NFTs generate more than $1 million in gas fees, and a man fails to sell 50% of a house as an NFT
The NFT of record: New York Times raises $500,000 for charity in NFT column sale
The NYT goes NFT as tokenized article auctions for over $500,000
The New York Times Is Worried Kids Are Playing Video Games Too Much During The Pandemic
Yesterday, the New York Times ran a story that focused on how kids are spending too much time playing video games and using their phones during the covid-19 pandemic. Today, that story was on the front page of the paper. This seems strange considering how the world is falling apart and democracy...
The New York Times: Stopy po útoku na SolarWinds mohou vést i do Brna
Amerika i v novém roce řeší bezprecedentní útok Sunburst/Supernova na klíčový produkt společnosti SolarWinds: síťovou podnikovou platformu Orion. Vzhledem k tomu, že ji používají klienti z řad státní správy i soukromého sektoru prakticky na celém světě, seznam potenciálních obětí může být obrovský
NYT Study: Coinbase Underpaid Female and Black Employees at Much Larger Rates Than Those in the Technology Industry
An analysis performed by the New York Times of internal pay data at cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase unveiled disparities in salaries, showing their women and Black employees were underpaid. Coinbase Underpaid Women and Black Employees, Claims NYT Study According to the report, women employees were...
Bitcoin’s Early Days: Reporter Recalls $200K Sushi Dinner After Spending 10 BTC, Former Bitcoin Dev Sells 55,000 BTC for Under $30 a Coin
As bitcoin touched an all-time price high this week, the tech reporter at the New York Times, Kashmir Hill, recalled how she spent 10 BTC ($224k) for a sushi dinner for a couple of dozen strangers. Hill wrote about the dining experience in a recent article called “How I Blew My Bitcoin...
NYT Reports Claims of ‘Racist or Discriminatory’ Treatment of Employees at Coinbase
The NYT critique of Coinbase’s internal diversity policies quotes former employees who complain of “racist or discriminatory” treatment
Coinbase Preemptively Rebuts Unpublished New York Times Expose
The letter pushes back at an unpublished article Coinbase says will allege Black employees had "negative experiences" while with the firm
[článek] Microsoft zavírá kamenné obchody, Facebook zas mění algoritmy a New York Times odchází z Apple News
[12 minut čtení] Děravý Telegram, YouTube banuje, nový malware Sarwent, TikTok je šmírovací nástroj, ransomware pro Mac, Twitch zabanoval Donalda Trumpa. Co ještě přinesl právě končící #tyden? Telegramu unikla kontaktní data uživatelů a objevila se na darkwebu. Uniklé údaje obsahují telefonní čísla...
‘I Failed Terribly at Keeping My Identity Secret’: Scott Alexander on the Value of Pseudonymity
A New York Times decision to name Scott Alexander, the author of Slate Star Codex, raises questions about who deserves pseudonyms, journalism in 2020, and where we place value when it comes to news stories
The New York Times Proves Why Civil’s Vision Is Still Vital
News media incentivized to tell the truth in a non-sensational manner is essential for beating racism and other injustice, says our columnist
New York Times Trials Blockchain System to Combat Misleading Pictures
The New York Times has worked on a blockchain solution to combat misinformation, providing metadata on pictures found in social media
Animate Text on Scroll
We covered the idea of animating curved text not long ago when a fun New York Times article came out. All I did was peek into how they did it and extract the relevant parts to a more isolated demo.
That demo is here:
See the Pen
Selfie Crawl by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)
The Auto-Flowing Powers of Grid’s Dense Keyword
Let's say we're working on the homepage of a news website. You're probably used to seeing some card-based content in a grid layout, right? Here's a classic example, The New York Times:
Yeah, something like that.
There are going to be some cards/elements/boxes/whatever that need to take up more...
The North American Bitcoin Conference Returns
Pioneers of the global Bitcoin and blockchain community will converge in Miami for a historical conference, continuing to propel cryptocurrency from niche to mainstream. Now in its seventh year, The North American Bitcoin Conference is the longest-running and most attended finance conference...
Moving Text on a Curved Path
There was a fun article in The New York Times the other day describing the fancy way Elizabeth Warren and her staff let people take a selfie with Warren. But... the pictures aren't actually selfies because they are taken by someone else. The article has his hilarious line of text that wiggles by...
New York Times Confirms It’s Using Blockchain to Combat Fake News
The New York Times is testing blockchain solutions to authenticate news photos in partnership with IBM Garage
STAR Apps: A New Generation of Front-End Tooling for Development Workflows
Product teams from AirBnb and New York Times to Shopify and Artsy (among many others) are converging on a new set of best practices and technologies for building the web apps that their businesses depend on. This trend reflects core principles and solve underlying problems that we may share, so...