CEO of DeFi Insurer Nexus Mutual Hacked for $8M in NXM Tokens
Nexus Mutual's CEO, Hugh Karp, lost the tokens after an attacker gained remote access to his computer
Thief Steals USD 8.2m From Nexus Mutual Founder in a 'Targeted Attack'
There's been another theft in the Cryptoverse - this time a 'personal' one, as attackers have taken more than USD 8.2m from the account of Hugh Karp, the founder of decentralized finance (DeFi) insurance protocol Nexus Mutual.
Nexus Mutual announced the news in a Twitter post today, stating that...
Founder of DeFi protocol Nexus Mutual gets hacked for $8M
The protocol is safe, but its founder lost his stash of 6% of all tokens
DeFi Insurer Nexus Mutual Maxed Out by Yield-Farming Boom
Nexus Mutual is seeing a surge in demand. "Our product has honestly seen massive interest since yield farming kicked off," said founder Hugh Karp
Business Is Booming for DeFi Insurer Nexus Mutual Ahead of Ethereum 2.0
Nexus Mutual, an alternative insurance provider for a variety of Ethereum-based DeFi protocols, has seen its risk pool double over the past 90 days to more than $4 million
DeFi Insurance Firm Nexus Mutual Makes Its First Payout Following bZx Attacks
Nexus Mutual members voted to pay out two claims following the bZx flash loan attacks – a first for the DeFi insurance pioneer
Bell předvedl létající elektrické Taxi Nexus 4EX. Je to prý městská doprava nedaleké budoucnosti
Bell na veletrhu CES zaujal už loni, když do jedné z hal zaparkoval svou futuristickou taxikoptéru Nexus. Nechyběl ani letos a pochlubil se vylepšenou verzí Nexus 4EX.
Nexus 4EX je létající stroj, který má čtyři naklápěcí rotory. Umožňuje vertikální start a následně klouzavý let. Pohon může být
This Startup’s Upgrade Code Can Be Used by Any Bitcoin-Based Blockchain
Nexus says an upgrade that brings smart-contract functionality to its blockchain can also be used by any other bitcoin-based chain
Ethereum Startups Team to Offer ‘Banking-Grade’ Wallet Security
Insurtech startup Nexus Mutual and wallet provider Argent have teamed up to bring bank account-like protection to ethereum
Bell Nexus: Výrobce helikoptér se pochlubil futuristickou taxikoptérou [CES]
Leteckého výrobce Bell asi netřeba příliš představovat, patří totiž k předním vývojářům komerčních i vojenských vrtulníků. A jen tak na okraj, jedno z jeho globálních servisních středisek byste našli také v Česku.
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