
Nalezeno "Properties": 291

Celebrating Upland’s Genesis Week With a Big Bitcoin Giveaway is a blockchain-based game in which users can buy, sell, and trade virtual NFT properties mapped to the real world. By becoming a digital landowner, users can build properties, earn UPX coins, and even cash out their gains to USD. Currently open in cities including NYC, San Francisco...

Why On-Chain Governance Is Critical for Blockchain Growth and Longevity

The decentralized properties that make blockchain architecture unique can also be its Achilles heel, demonstrating the importance of bringing network governance on-chain to promote a more inclusive and democratized consensus on network upgrades. Governance Transformation Is the Key To Unlocking...

Are Custom Properties a “Menu of What Will Change”?

PPK laid out an interesting situation in “Two options for using custom properties” where he and Stefan Judis had two different approaches for doing the same thing with custom properties. In one approach, hover and focus styles for a … The post Are Custom Properties a “Menu...


Jonathan Neal tweeted a heck of a little CSS trick the other day, putting JSON inside CSS and plucking it out with JavaScript. Valid values for custom properties are quite liberal! So this looks for a CSS rule (e.g. a … The post JSON in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Custom State Pseudo-Classes in Chrome

There is an increasing number of “custom” features on the web platform. We have custom properties (--my-property), custom elements (<my-element>), and custom events (new CustomEvent('myEvent')). At one point, we might even get custom media … The post Custom State Pseudo-Classes...

Is Vendor Prefixing Dead?

Let‘s take a quick stroll down memory-lane to revisit how vendor prefixing CSS properties came to be. I hope I don’t trigger PTSD for anyone! It‘s not clear who started prefixing, or when it began exactly. What is clear, is … The post Is Vendor Prefixing Dead? appeared first...

Dynamic CSS Masks with Custom Properties and GSAP

Learn how to animate CSS masks based on the cursor position using GSAP and custom properties for a unique spotlight effect. The post Dynamic CSS Masks with Custom Properties and GSAP appeared first on Codrops

Safari 14.1 Adds Support for Flexbox Gaps

Yay, it’s here! Safari 14.1 reportedly adds support for the gap property in flexbox layouts. We’ve had grid-gap support for some time, but true to its name, it’s limited to grid layouts. Now we can use gap in either type … The post Safari 14.1 Adds Support for Flexbox Gaps...

A Complete Guide to Custom Properties

Everything important and useful to know about CSS Custom Properties. Like that they are often referred to as "CSS Variables" but that's not their real name. The post A Complete Guide to Custom Properties appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter

Float an Element to the Bottom Corner

Need to lay out an element to the right or the left, such that text wraps around it? That’s an easy task for the float property. But what about if you also want to push that element (let’s call it … The post Float an Element to the Bottom Corner appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Generating (and Solving!) Sudokus in CSS

I love to make CSS do stuff it shouldn’t. It’s the type of problem-solving brain training you’d get building a calculator in Minecraft, except you probably won’t get a job working with Minecraft Redstone no matter how good you … The post Generating (and Solving!) Sudokus in CSS appeared...

You want margin-inline-start

David Bushell in ”Changing CSS for Good“: I’m dropping “left“ and “right“ from my lexicon. The new CSS normal is all about Logical Properties and Values […] It can be as easy as replacing left/right … The post You want margin-inline-start appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Image Fragmentation Effect With CSS Masks and Custom Properties

Geoff shared this idea of a checkerboard where the tiles disappear one-by-one to reveal an image. In it, an element has a background image, then a CSS Grid layout holds the “tiles” that go from a filled background color to … The post Image Fragmentation Effect With CSS Masks and Custom...

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