Stranger Things, Marvel Movie Halted Because Hollywood Won't Pay Its Writers
As the writer’s strike enters its second week, the effects of not having some of most important people on set around are already starting to show: two of the biggest projects currently in production—Marvel’s Blade reboot and the fifth season of Stranger Things—have been put on ice (along with loads...
Utratil desítky tisíc za videoherní zbraň, která vypadá jako vagína
Hráč a sběratel virtuálních předmětů střílečky Counter-Strike zaplatil bezmála třicet tisíc za unikátní ozdobu své pistole. V jistém úhlu totiž tento „skin“ připomíná detail ženského pohlavního ústrojí
Twitch Streamer Hasan Piker Trolled By Game Awards Show Crasher
Matan Even, the trolly kid who stealthed his way onto The Game Awards stage last December to shout out former U.S. president Bill Clinton, is back. This time, though, he crashed socialist Twitch streamer Hasan “Hasanabi” Piker’s May 4 livestream at the WGA writers’ strike picket line in Hollywood...
Former Dragon Age Writer Says BioWare Eventually ‘Resented’ Writers
Hollywood writers have been on strike ever since media executives and the Writer’s Guild of America failed to come to an agreement at the bargaining table. Now, multiple video game writers are currently having public discussions about how their craft is undervalued by those looking in from...
A Counter-Strike Map Is Informing Russians About The Ukraine Invasion Amidst Censorship
As journalists and editors know, cutting through the noise to deliver the news can be a tricky business. It’s even harder when you’re trying to report on the invasion of Ukraine, and your target audience is located in Russia. Since March 2022, the Russian president has made it a crime to call...
New Counter-Strike 2 Detail You Might Have Missed Reminds Us Valve Still Hasn't Made Half-Life 3
As a human being on the internet reading a video game website, I probably don’t have to explain to you the long wait for Half-Life 3, the shooter sequel Valve continues to not make, and all the memes it’s spawned. But it seems that, even if it won’t make the long-awaited threequel, Valve doesn’t...
Midjourney, other AI devs strike back in court, claiming their material is not similar to artists
The response by the AI firms raises questions about how copyright law principles such as authorship, infringement and fair use will apply to content created or used by AI
This May Be The Biggest Pokémon Card Theft In History, And It’s Causing Drama
It certainly looks like someone might have stolen a bunch of rare Fusion Strike cards from The Pokémon Company. According to evidence surfacing from a Dallas-based Pokémon trading card community, the alleged thief tried to sell them to a local shop only to be turned over to The Pokémon Company...
Jack Mallers' Strike Service, Send Globally, Tackles Bitcoin-Fiat Remittances
The new Lightning-based service lets users in the U.S. send even small cash payments to parts of Southeast Asia and Africa quickly and cheaply. Eventually, the service will be available throughout the world, giving foreign workers everywhere a new way to send their pay back home. That’s why Send...
Steam Crackdown Hits CS:GO Player With $500K In Skins
Steam is often a free-for-all when it comes to game curation and content moderation, but the Valve-owned storefront appears to be on the march against spam commenters, especially those pestering other users about Counter-Strike: Global Offensive skin trades. A number of players have recently said...
Counter-Strike Player Kills Five Guys With One Bullet
A few days back a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player by the name of sp1cay was playing with some friends when, after a quick sprint and toss of a grenade, they whipped out their AWP sniper rifle and fired off a single shot.Read more
Counter-Strike 2 odkrývá svá tajemství. Nové nože, cracknutá verze a oznámení prvního velkého turnaje
Od začátku uzavřeného testování Counter-Strike 2 už uběhla nějaká doba a s tím se pojí i mnoho odhalených tajemství, o kterých nám vývojáři neřekli
Deset let starý Counter-Strike o víkendu nalákal rekordní počet hráčů
Oznámení o chystaném pokračování legendární značky Counter-Strike obnovilo zájem o zatím poslední díl Global Offensive. Během víkendu si ho najednou zapnulo 1 519 457 hráčů, což v jeho víc než desetileté historii rekord
Hrajete, nebo hráli jste Counter-Strike? A co říkáte na oznámení dvojky?
V souvislosti s oficiální oznámením pokračování kultovní střílečky Counter-Strike se ptáme, jak vzpomínáte na původní, respektive aktuální hru a co říkáte na oznámení „dvojky“. Na vaše postřehy se těšíme v diskusi pod článkem
Counter-Strike 2 vyjde v létě a bude zdarma. Valve ukázalo první videa a zahájilo omezené testování
Counter-Strike je s námi mnoho let, ale oznámení nového dílu nebylo vždy vnímáno komunitou kladně. To se ovšem netýká Counter-Strike 2, který přináší nové věci a postavil celou komunitu na nohy
A je to oficiální, kultovní střílečka Counter-Strike bude mít pokračování
Dlouho se o tom spekulovalo, nyní je to konečně oficiální. Legendární střílečka Counter-Strike, která je navzdory svému stáří jedním z nejhranější e-sportových titulů, bude mít pokračování
Counter-Strike, Steam's Biggest Game, Gets A Sequel Over 10 Years Later
Valve is notoriously stingy with sequels, but hit multiplayer shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is finally getting one. Counter-Strike 2 is set to come out sometime this summer as a free update to the existing game, with a limited player test that starts Wednesday. The Steam maker is calling...
A Counter-Strike Skin Just Sold For $160,000
Skins are a controversial aspect of live service gaming, with players often questioning why they cost a certain amount of money. Among Counter-Strike: Global Offensive fans, they’re willing to pay eye-watering prices. One CS:GO player just paid the equivalent of $160,000 to own a flowery skin of...
Counter-Strike 2 je možná velmi blízko. K oznámení spolu s betaverzí má dojít už v březnu
Counter-Strike 2 je možná velmi blízko. K oznámení spolu s betaverzí má dojít už v březnu