
Nalezeno "digitalocean": 282

The “Other” C in CSS

I think it’s worth listening to anything Sara Soueidan has to say. That’s especially true if she’s speaking at an event for the first time in four years, which was the case when she took the stage at CSS Day … The “Other” C in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which...

Introducing <shelly-wc>

I created a little library at work to make those “skeleton screens” that I’m not sure anyone likes. [&#8230;] We named it skellyCSS because… skeletons and CSS, I guess. We still aren’t even really using it very much, but it &#8230; Introducing &lt;shelly-wc&gt; originally published...

Understanding Gutenberg Blocks, Patterns, and Templates

Developers suffer in the great multitudes whom their sacred block-based websites cannot reach. Johannes Gutenberg (probably) Long time WordPresser, first time Gutenberger here. I&#8217;m a fan even though I&#8217;m still anchored to a classic/block hybrid setup. I believe Johanes himself...

Quick Hit #13

Happy birthday, Chris Coyier — and thank you for CSS-Tricks as well as everything you do at CodePen, ShopTalk, Boost, and even your personal blog!&#8230; Quick Hit #13 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter

Quick Hit #12

Giant kudos to Scott Jehl on releasing his new Web Components De-Mystified online course! Eight full hours of training from one of the best in the business.&#8230; Quick Hit #12 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter

Basic keyboard shortcut support for focused links

Eric gifting us with his research on all the various things that anchors (not links) do when they are in :focus. Turns out, there’s a lot! That&#8217;s an understatement! This is an incredible amount of work, even &#8230; Basic keyboard shortcut support for focused links originally published...

Callbacks on Web Components?

A gem from Chris Ferdinandi that details how to use custom events to hook into Web Components. More importantly, Chris dutifully explains why custom events are a better fit than, say, callback functions. With a typical JavaScript library, you pass &#8230; Callbacks on Web Components? originally...

Quick Hit #11

Hey look at that, the State of CSS Survey for 2024 is open and taking submissions. &#8230; Quick Hit #11 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter

The Intersection of Speed and Proximity

You ever find yourself in bumper-to-bumper traffic? I did this morning on the way to work (read: whatever cafe I fancy). There&#8217;s a pattern to it, right? Stop, go, stop, go, stop&#8230; it&#8217;s almost rhythmic and harmonious in the most &#8230; The Intersection of Speed and Proximity...

Elastic Overflow Scrolling

A client asked if we could mimic the &#8220;rubber band&#8221; scrolling behavior on many mobile devices. I&#8217;m sure you know what I&#8217;m talking about. It’s a behavior that already exists and happens automatically in most browsers. In iOS Safari, for &#8230; Elastic Overflow Scrolling...

RTL Styling 101

A couple of weeks ago I was super excited about publishing my first CSS-Tricks post: &#8220;Letter Spacing is Broken. Forget about that though, what&#8217;s important is the post&#8217;s topic: letter spacing is broken and doesn&#8217;t work as the CSS &#8230; RTL Styling 101 originally published...

On the Ground at Frostapalooza

I can&#8217;t say I would have ever expected to see Jeremy Keith performing the Yeah Yeah Yeahs song &#8220;Maps&#8221;, but then again, I don&#8217;t know what I expected to happen at Frostapalooza. The Event Brad Frost, web &#8230; On the Ground at Frostapalooza originally published...

All About JavaScript Loops

Every programming language has loops. Loops perform an operation (i.e., a chunk of work) a number of times, usually once for every item in an array or list, or to simply repeat an operation until a certain condition is met.&#8230; All About JavaScript Loops originally published on CSS-Tricks...

CSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-08-14)

I was just going over the latest CSSWG minutes (you can subscribe to them at and came across a few interesting nuggets I wanted to jot down for another time. The group discussed the CSS Values, CSS Easing, and &#8230; CSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-08-14) originally published on CSS-Tricks...

How are the `colspan` and `rowspan` attributes different?

Yes, yes. Functionally, they are different. But heck if I didn’t know about the wacky thresholds until Jens Oliver Meiert tooted a pair of quick polls. According to the HTML Standard: If the&#160;current cell&#160;has a&#160;colspan&#160;attribute, then&#160; &#8230; How are the `colspan`...

Quick Hit #11

Free e-book from Jens Oliver Meiert that&#8217;ll bore you to death in the best way: Rote Learning HTML &#38; CSS&#8230; Quick Hit #11 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter

Quick Hit #10

Killed by Google is called a &#8220;graveyard&#8221; but I also see it as a resume in experimentation.&#8230; Quick Hit #10 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter

“Smart” Layouts With Container Queries

Modern CSS keeps giving us a lot of new, easier ways to solve old problems, but often the new features we’re getting don’t only solve old problems, they open up new possibilities as well. Container queries are one of those &#8230; “Smart” Layouts With Container Queries originally published...

Dialogues Blog

“This isn’t a website. Or even a blog. It’s a conversation.” That’s the idea! Jay Hoffman and I’ve been chatting a long time now, back since he began writing a series on web history. It’s easy-going talking with someone &#8230; Dialogues Blog originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part...

font-size Limbo

You might recall that Alvaro suggests bumping up font-size to 1.25rem from the default user agent size of 16px. Sebastian Laube pokes at that: I wouldn&#8217;t adopt Alvaro&#8217;s suggestion without further ado, as I would waste so much space &#8230; font-size Limbo originally published...

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