
Nalezeno "edward": 113

Judge Rules Snowden Must Give Book Proceeds to US Government

A U.S. district judge has ruled that former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden must turn over the proceeds of his new book to the U.S. government. According to the ruling, Snowden failed to obtain clearance for the materials and information used in his book. The same judge previously ruled...

Darknet Markets Are Thriving Despite the Mysterious Death of Dread

Obtaining reliable information about darknet markets (DNMs) is a constant struggle, given the propensity of news sites and forums to come and go. No sooner has one portal gained ascendancy than it’s been toppled by law enforcement or exited under mysterious circumstances. The recent...

Snowden: US Seizing My Book Revenue is ‘Good for Bitcoin’

Former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) subcontractor Edward Snowden is being sued by the Department of Justice (DoJ) for his latest memoir. The agency won’t stop Metropolitan Books from publishing Snowden’s new book but the government will take the revenue he earns from the memoir...

Nejlepší britský stíhač bojoval ve Velké válce a sestřelil 61 soupeřů

Nejúspěšnějším britským stíhacím esem všech dob se stal Edward "Mick" Mannock. Tento vzdušný hrdina s irskými, skotskými a anglickými kořeny bojoval v první světové válce a na svém kontě má jedenašedesát potvrzených sestřelů. Jeho soud připomíná další díl seriálu Před 100 lety

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