
Nalezeno "kids": 147

NYPD Game Truck Wants Kids To Forget Cops Are Bastards

Over the July 4 weekend, WNYC reporter Gwynne Hogan shared a photo of the New York City Police Department’s latest attempt at community outreach. The largest local law enforcement agency in the United States plans to launch a game truck full of consoles to seemingly entice children into spending...

Old Flier Invites Kids To Do Nintendo Crimes

Ever wanted the likes of Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Popeye, Pac-Man, Galaga, and many more classics on one single game cartridge for the low, low price of $24 plus shipping and handling? Time-travel back to 1990 and this technological “gray market” wonder could be yours.Read more

E3 2021 Update: Obsidian Debuts 'Sitting'

We saw a lot of cool things during today’s Xbox presentation at E3 2021. Starfield, Halo Infinite multiplayer, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 all look fantastic, but they pale in comparison to the Grounded segment, through which the devs at Obsidian Entertainment used the biggest stage in gaming to reveal...

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power Is A Great Kids Game

We don’t ask much of our kid-aimed cartoon-based video games, and most don’t give us much in return—just several hours of harmless, colorful fun to keep our children entertained while we adult. But Switch exclusive DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power, with its combo-based battles, RPG-style progress...

Alto Developer Snowman Spawns New Studio Dedicated To Creative Kids Play

From Snowman, the creative minds behind super-chill games like Alto’s Adventure and Skate City, comes Pok Pok, a new studio dedicated to super-chill creative play-based learning for kids—open-ended play that inspires children to imagine and think. Sounds like a nifty goal. Read more

Crypto Moms Now Taking Bitcoin Buying Tips from their Kids

South Korea’s “crypto moms” are getting serious about their bitcoin (BTC) and altcoin buying – and, per a new report, are turning to their offspring for tips on how to make smarter investments. As previously reported, while the 2017-era South Korean crypto rush was predominately led by younger male...

Popular Bobblehead Manufacturer Funko Announces New Lineup of NFT Products

Following the release of new Garbage Pail Kids non-fungible token (NFT) assets and the recent Godzilla NFT collectibles from Topps, the leading pop-culture consumer products company Funko Inc., revealed the company is also joining the NFT fray. Funko announced on Thursday that the company...

Elon Musk Bitcoin Giveaway Scam Costs This Man BTC Worth $600K

A German man has shared his story about how he fell for the Elon Musk bitcoin giveaway scam. He lost 10 bitcoins to the scam, worth almost $600K at the current price. “I’d just thrown away the game changer for my family, my early retirement fund, and all the upcoming holidays with...

How One Of The Worst Video Game Movies Of All Time Got Made

Somehow, miraculously, video game movies and TV shows are suddenly good. The Witcher is fun, Sonic inhaled box office money like so many chili dogs last year, and star-studded renditions of Borderlands and The Last of Us are on the way. Also, the new Mortal Kombat movie looks dumb as hell in...

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