
Nalezeno "putin": 231

Ukrainian Devs Remind Us Life Is Still Hell As Russian Drones Bomb Cities

It feels like forever since the war in Ukraine began, but it hasn’t even been a year; Russian tanks rolled across the border in February, just ten months ago. Yet what was once headline news has now blurred into the background for most of us, a conflict that for the rest of the world is...

Putin Signs Law Prohibiting Payments With Digital Assets in Russia

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has signed into law a bill banning payments with digital financial assets. The legislation obliges exchange operators to refuse to process transactions facilitating the use of DFAs, a legal category currently covering cryptocurrencies, as “monetary...

Putin vyhodil šéfa Roskosmosu a dosadil nového. Rusové se pak dohodli s NASA

Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin odvolal šéfa ruské vesmírné agentury Roskosmos Dmitrije Rogozina. Do čela úřadu dosadil dosavadního místopředsedu vlády Jurije Borisova. Důvod výměny Putin nesdělil, Kreml pouze na svých stránkách zveřejnil nařízení. Borisov se vesmírným otázkám věnoval už během

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