Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid
Great tutorial from Alex Trost (based on some demos, like this one, from Andy Barefoot) showcasing how, while CSS grid has straight grid lines across and down, you can place items across grid lines creating a staggered effect that looks pretty rad. Grid-like, but it appears to align to diagonal...
The New Bullrun Rushes Investors Towards Securypto
PRESS RELEASE. With Round 1 Fully Sold Out, Investors scramble to get on board of Securypto IEO. In a world where datahacks have become the norm rather than the exception, anonymity has become a necessity. Securypto project is making headlines across major news media for its remarkable innovative...
Create an FAQ Slack app with Netlify functions and FaunaDB
Sometimes, when you’re looking for a quick answer, it’s really useful to have an FAQ system in place, rather than waiting for someone to respond to a question. Wouldn’t it be great if Slack could just answer these FAQs for us? In this tutorial, we’re going to be making just that: a slash command...
‘Enormous Wall of Money’ Coming Into Bitcoin, Price to Reach $1 Million in 5 Years, Says Raoul Pal
Macro strategist Raoul Pal says the price of bitcoin will reach $1 million in five years. He attributes the price increase to adoption by large pools of investors and the “enormous wall of money” coming into bitcoin, rather than because “the world is collapsing.” $1 Million...
Rise of the Underdog, Securypto Takes off as Investors Scramble To Get on Board
The time of ICO’s seems behind us and many blockchain projects have fallen off the grid but one particular project seems not only to have survived but even thrived during these times. Securypto focuses on safe and truly anonymous exchange of data. In a world where datahacks have become...
Some New Icon Sets
I’ve bookmarked some icon sets lately, partly because I can never find a nice set when I need to. I figured I’d even go the extra mile here and blog them so I can definitely find them later. Aside from being nice, cohesive, and practical sets of icons, I find it interesting that...
Using @property for CSS Custom Properties
Una Kravetz digs into how Chrome now allows you to declare CSS custom properties directly from CSS with more information than just a string.
So rather than something like this:
html {
--stop: 50%;
…can be declared with more details like this:
@property --stop {
Year-End Gold and Bitcoin Price Predictions from Regular Everyday People
Just recently, talked to a number of individuals and asked them to let us know what they think the price of bitcoin and gold will be by the year’s end. Rather than leveraging the typical predictions from experts, executives, and crypto luminaries, the post delves into...
JavaScript Fatigue
From Nicholas Zakas’ newsletter, on how he avoids JavaScript fatigue:
 I don’t try to learn about every new thing that comes out. There’s a limited number of hours in the day and a limited amount of energy you can devote to any topic, so I choose not to learn about anything...
Want to get better at code? Teach someone CSS.
A friend of mine recently asked me to teach her to code. She was an absolute beginner, having no idea what coding really involves. I decided to start where I started: HTML and CSS. Using CodePen, we started forking Pens and altering them. Soon, a learning path started to unravel.
The aim of this...
Apple declined to implement 16 Web APIs in Safari due to privacy concerns
Why? Fingerprinting. Rather than these APIs being used for what they are meant for, they end up being used for gross ad tech. As in, “hey, we don’t know exactly who you are, but wait, through a script we can tell your phone stopped being idle from 8:00 am to 8:13 am and were near...
In the Aftermath of Hack, Lawmakers Blame Twitter, Not Bitcoin
Lawmakers are calling on Twitter to answer for a hack that shook the platform, focusing on cybersecurity rather than scapegoating cryptocurrencies
Introducing Headless WordPress with Gatsby Cloud (Live Preview, Incremental Builds, and more!)
The Gatsby team shipped an update to its source plugin for WordPress, graduating it to a beta release. The new version brings a new set of features to Gatsby’s headless WordPress configuration, which brings together WPGraphQL and WPGatsby to power a Gatsby front-end that pulls in data from...
A Complete Guide to Dark Mode on the Web
“Dark mode” is defined as a color scheme that uses light-colored text and other UI elements on a dark-colored background. Dark mode, dark theme, black mode, night mode… they all refer to and mean the same thing: a mostly-dark interface rather than a mostly-light interface.
The post A Complete...
Russia’s Economy Ministry Calls for ‘Controllable Market’ Rather Than Crypto Ban
The ministry argued the draft ban would be harmful for Russia's economy and citizens, and called for a softer stance
Analyzing Notion app performance
Here’s a fantastic case study where Ivan Akulov looks at the rather popular writing app Notion and how the team might improve the performance in a variety of ways; through code splitting, removing unused vendor code, module concatenation, and deferring JavaScript execution. Not so long ago, we made...
How to Make a Simple CMS With Cloudflare, GitHub Actions and Metalsmith
Let’s build ourselves a CMS. But rather than build out a UI, we’re going to get that UI for free in the form of GitHub itself! We’ll be leveraging GitHub as the way to manage the content for our static site generator (it could be any static site generator). Here’s the gist of it: GitHub is going...
Bitcoin’s Third Halving Complete: Reward Cut Surprisingly Faster Than Previous Time Estimates
The Bitcoin blockchain has experienced its third block reward halving on May 11, 2020, at approximately 3:21 p.m EST, even though quite a few countdown clocks estimated that the halving would occur on May 12. Bitcoin miners now get 6.25 BTC per block rather than the 12.5 BTC they acquired before...
Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS
The accessibility trick is using <input type="range"> and wrestling it into shape with CSS rather than giving up and re-building it with divs or whatever and later forget about accessibility.
The most clever example uses an angled linear-gradient background making the input look like...
How to Create Custom WordPress Editor Blocks in 2020
Peter Tasker on creating blocks right now:
It’s fairly straightforward these days to get set up with the WP CLI ‘scaffold’ command. This command will set up a WordPress theme or plugin with a ‘blocks’ folder that contains the PHP and base CSS and JavaScript required to create...