San Francisco federal bank eyes CBDC system development, reveals job posting
Within 24 hours of the job posting, 45 applicants have shown interest in joining the federal government to build an in-house CBDC
Payments Giant Visa Proposes Using Ethereum L2 Starknet to Bolster Auto Payments for Self-Custodial Wallets
Visa, the financial services corporation headquartered in San Francisco, California, published a blog post that talks about leveraging ethereum and the layer two (L2) scaling solution Starknet so people with self-custodial wallets can pay their bills. The blog post notes that while Ethereum doesnt...
Argentine Province of San Luis to Issue Dollar-Pegged Stablecoin and Local Art NFTs
San Luis, a province of Argentina, has approved a bill allowing it to issue a blockchain-based, dollar-pegged stablecoin. The bill, which also approves the issuance of local artistic assets as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) seeks to enable the promotion of social development, and economic, cultural...
Crypto hotspots continue to thrive despite FTX collapse
Crypto-friendly cities throughout the world report growth and innovation despite recent events
RBB LAB Uses NFT to Serve Alberto De Luigi and Andreas Kohl Summons
PRESS RELEASE. San Marino, Dec 5, 2022 — RBB Lab, a technology development firm based in the Republic of San Marino, has used NFT (Non-Fungible Token) technology to issue court summonses for the case against Alberto De Luigi, Andreas Kohl, both former collaborators of the firm, and their company...
Policisté ze San Francisca dostali povolení používat zabijácké roboty
Sanfranciská policie dostala od vedení města povolení zabíjet civilisty pomocí robotů. Upozornil na to deník San Francisco Chronicle.
SFPD tvrdí, že tito roboti by mohli být nasazeni například během útoků různých šílených střelců nebo proti sebevražedným atentátníkům. Pro přijetí návrhu hlasovalo
Policie v San Francisku chce, aby její roboti dostali v krizových situacích povolení zabíjet
S návrhem, který nejen v Americe vyvolal velkou diskuzi, přišla sanfranciská policie. V rámci revize způsobu, jak používá své vybavení, přišla s žádostí, aby její roboti dostali povolení zabíjet. Uchýlit by se k tomu mohli jen ve vybraných, velmi kritických situacích.
Návrh je uveden v dokumentu
Chainsaw Man Creator Accidentally Got His Twitter Account Banned
While everyone was dealing with a confusing week of Elon Musk transforming Twitter verification check marks into an advertiser’s worst nightmare, the creator of the wildly popular manga, Chainsaw Man, was desperately fighting to get his account unsuspended. Read more
Elon Musk faces class-action suit over mass Twitter layoffs
Elon Musk previously won a similar class-action lawsuit brought by Tesla employees, calling the case “trivial.”
Crypto City: Guide to San Francisco Bay Area
„Vodní baterie“ budou napájet 135 000 domácností v San Diegu. Technologii známe z Dlouhých strání
Obnovitelné zdroje elektrické energie mají jednu zásadní nevýhodu: z principu svého fungování nemohou vyrábět elektřinu nepřetržitě. V případě solárních elektráren hraje významnou roli oblačnost a střídání dne a noci, „větrníky“ pak ovlivňuje ještě o něco nevyzpytatelnější vítr.
Možným řešením
Circle Launches Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol, USDC Issuer Acquires Payment Orchestration Firm Elements
On Thursday, at the Converge22 event in San Francisco, Circle announced the acquisition of the payment orchestration company Elements. Circle explained that the acquisition includes plans to “quickly scale payment offerings.” Circle says the new service will make it easier...
Russia Starts Developing Mechanism for International Crypto Payments
Financial authorities in Russia have begun work on a mechanism to facilitate the employment of cryptocurrencies for settlements with other nations amid sanctions. The country’s central bank and finance ministry have already agreed on a draft law regulating cross-border crypto payments....
This San Diego Car Wash Is Using NFTs to Drive Up Demand
The San Diego-based chain Soapy Joe’s added NFTs to its list of membership benefits and saw a spike in customers visiting multiple locations to collect them
Argentine Tax Authority AFIP Strengthens Supervision, Finds Three Clandestine Cryptocurrency Mining Farms
The Argentine tax authority (AFIP) found three different clandestine cryptocurrency mining farms last week. The farms were located in San Juan and in the city of Cordoba. More than $600,000 in hardware was found at just one of these locations, and the high level of power consumed helped...
Our Favorite Cosplay From San Diego Comic-Con 2022
It’s been a few years since we’ve been able to run a cosplay post from the San Diego Comic-Con, but we’re back in 2022 with a gallery and video recapping what’s probably the biggest nerd show on the planet.Read more
Nikdo za volantem: Policisté v San Franciscu řešili kuriózní dopravní přestupek
Americký policista v noci zastavil auto, které nesvítilo. Pokutu však neměl komu udělit, protože vůz byl prázdný…
Alleged BTC-e Operator Alexander Vinnik in US Custody After Immediate Extradition From Greece
Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik, accused of owning and running the infamous crypto exchange BTC-e, has been handed over to the U.S. This week, Greek authorities proceeded with the extradition, after his return from France, despite Vinnik’s defense protesting the move and calling...
Actually, the San Francisco Typeface Does Ship as a Variable Font
Apple unveiled an expanded version of its San Francisco system font at WWDC 2022. Then, last month, Jim Nielsen zeroed in on the font’s variations, explaining how the font provides a spectrum of variations based on the width and weight…
Actually, the San Francisco Typeface Does Ship...
TwitchCon Doesn't Care That The Pandemic Is Still Happening
TwitchCon will be taking place in San Diego between October 7-9, and if you had any thoughts about attending whatsoever, know that the organisers are under the assumption that we’re living in 2019, not 2022, and that you’re very much going to be taking your personal safety into your own hands.Read...