
Nalezeno "scrolling": 166

I Love This Fighting Game’s Ridiculous Continue Screen

The fighting game adaptation of Hokuto no Ken (known as Fist of the North Star in the west) has provided some of the most over-the-top competitive moments of all time. But when a Twitter acquaintance shared a screenshot of its continue screen a week ago, I still wasn’t psychologically prepared...

Going “Meta GSAP”: The Quest for “Perfect” Infinite Scrolling

I‘m not sure how this one came about. But, it‘s a story. This article is more about grokking a concept, one that’s going to help you think about your animations in a different way. It so happens that this particular … The post Going “Meta GSAP”: The Quest for “Perfect” Infinite Scrolling...

Prime 2D Is The Coolest Metroid In Over A Decade

A group of independent developers known as Team SCU recently released a demo for Prime 2D, an impressive side-scrolling remake of 2002’s Metroid Prime that has been in the works for over 15 years. After spending some time with it, I can say it was definitely worth the wait, even if Nintendo’s...

The Best Music Ever Made (For A McDonald’s Game)

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. You deserve a break today, so we’re kicking off the weekend with something tasty from McDonald’s… McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure that is, a game that plays and sounds better than...

Killer Loops With South Asian Flair Helped Skyblazer Stand Apart

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. We haven’t been covering many chiptunes lately, so today let’s start remedying that by checking out a somewhat unknown SNES gem with a sound all its own.Read more

Table of Contents with IntersectionObserver

If you have a table of contents on a long-scrolling page, thanks to, say, position: fixed; or position: sticky;, the IntersectionObserver API in JavaScript is the perfect companion to highlight items in the table of contents when corresponding content … The post Table of Contents with...

How to Create a Shrinking Header on Scroll Without JavaScript

Imagine a header of a website that is nice and thick, with plenty of padding on top and bottom of the content. As you scroll down, it shrinks up on itself, reducing some of that padding, making more screen real … The post How to Create a Shrinking Header on Scroll Without JavaScript appeared...

Beautiful accessibility with Floating Focus

Imagine if your :focus styles animated from element to element as you tab through a site. Like the focus ring up and flew across the page to the next element. The spirit of it is similar to smooth scrolling: it’s … The post Beautiful accessibility with Floating Focus appeared first...

A table with both a sticky header and a sticky first column

We’ve covered that individual <table> cells, <th> and <td> can be position: sticky. It’s pretty easy to make the header of a table stick to the top of the screen while scrolling through a bunch or rows (like this … The post A table with both a sticky...

“Cancelable” Smooth Scrolling

Here’s the situation: Your site offers a “scroll back to top” button, and you’ve implemented smooth scrolling. As the page scrolls back to the top, users see something that catches their eye and they want to stop the scrolling, so … The post “Cancelable”...

On-Scroll Letter Animations

A small set of examples showing how letters can be animated on scroll. The post On-Scroll Letter Animations appeared first on Codrops

Fixing Smooth Scrolling with Find-on-Page

Back when we released the v17 design (we’re on v18 now) of this site. I added html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } to the CSS. Right away, I got comments like this (just one example): … when you control+f or … The post Fixing Smooth Scrolling with Find-on-Page appeared first...

How to Use the Locomotive Scroll for all Kinds of Scrolling Effects

I was recently looking for a way to perform scrolling effects on a project and I stumbled on the Locomotive Scroll library. It lets you perform a variety of scrolling effects, like parallax and triggering/controlling animations at scroll points. You might also call it a “smooth scrolling” library...

Horizontal Smooth Scroll Layouts

Some ideas for horizontal smooth scrolling layouts powered by Locomotive Scroll. The post Horizontal Smooth Scroll Layouts appeared first on Codrops

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