
Nalezeno "theme": 172

Flash of inAccurate coloR Theme (FART)

There is a lot to think about when implementing a dark mode theme on a website. We have a huge guide on it. There are some very clever quick wins out there, but there are also some quite tricky things … The post Flash of inAccurate coloR Theme (FART) appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Theming and Theme Switching with React and styled-components

I recently had a project with a requirement to support theming on the website. It was a bit of a strange requirement, as the application is mostly used by a handful of administrators. An even bigger surprise was that they … The post Theming and Theme Switching with React...

Custom Properties as State

Here’s a fun idea from James Stanley: a CSS file (that presumably updates daily) containing CSS custom properties for “seasonal” colors (e.g. spring is greens, fall is oranges). You’d then use the values to theme your site, knowing that those … The post Custom...

Final Fantasy VII’s Snow Theme Tops My Go-To Blizzard Mix

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today, we take a trip up north to gaming’s colder climates and the music that makes them so enchanting.Read more

Getting the WordPress Block Editor to Look Like the Front End Design

I’m a WordPress user and, if you’re anything like me, you always have two tabs open when you edit a post: one with the new fancy pants block editor, aka Gutenberg, and another with a preview of the post so you know it won’t look wonky on the front end. It’s no surprise that...

Using Your Own Design System with KendoReact Components

Maybe you’ve already heard of (or even worked with!) KendoReact. It’s popped up in some of my day-to-day conversations, especially those about working with design systems and React. You could think of it as a component library like Bootstrap or Material Design, except the components...

A Gentle Introduction to Using a Docker Container as a Dev Environment

Sarcasm disclaimer: This article is mostly sarcasm. I do not think that I actually speak for Dylan Thomas and I would never encourage you to foist a light theme on people who don’t want it. No matter how wrong they may be. When Dylan Thomas penned the words, “Do not go gentle into that good...

This vs. That

Here’s a nice site from Phuoc Nguyen, who I’ve noted before has quite a knack for clever sites. This vs. That pits different related concepts against each other as a theme for an article. For example, CSS has display: none;, opacity: 0;, and visibility: hidden; and they all, on...

A Complete Guide to Dark Mode on the Web

“Dark mode” is defined as a color scheme that uses light-colored text and other UI elements on a dark-colored background. Dark mode, dark theme, black mode, night mode… they all refer to and mean the same thing: a mostly-dark interface rather than a mostly-light interface. The post A Complete...

How to Create Custom WordPress Editor Blocks in 2020

Peter Tasker on creating blocks right now: It’s fairly straightforward these days to get set up with the WP CLI ‘scaffold’ command. This command will set up a WordPress theme or plugin with a ‘blocks’ folder that contains the PHP and base CSS and JavaScript required to create...

How to Display Mode-Specific Images

Now that we have most of the basics of HTML and CSS in the browser, we’ve begun implementing new features that I would consider “quality of life” improvements, many of which have been inspired by mobile. One great example is the CSS prefers-color-scheme media query, which allows...

“weeds of specificity”

Lara Schenck: [...] with WordPress child themes, you are all but guaranteed to get into the weeds of specificity, hunting around theme stylesheets that you didn’t author, trying to figure out what existing declaration is preventing you from applying a new style, and then figuring out the least...

Sass !default and themeable design systems

This is a great blog post from Brad Frost where he walks us through an interesting example. Let’s say we’re making a theme and we have some Sass like this: .c-text-input { background-color: $form-background-color; padding: 10px } If the $form-background-color variable isn’t defined then...

Where to Learn WordPress Theme Development

Over a decade ago, I did a little three-part video series on Designing for WordPress. Then I did other series with the same spirit, like videocasting the whole v10 redesign, a friend's website, and even writing a book. Those are getting a little long in the tooth though. You might still learn from...

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