
Nalezeno "fiat": 1281

Can Bitcoin replace currencies issued by Central Banks?

The issue of whether Bitcoin (BTC) can replace Fiat currency issued and administered by the central banks across the globe is raging for some time now. There are many positives and negatives related to Bitcoin, and one has to take a holistic approach towards the issue in order to arrive at...

Switzerland Approves Bitcoin Banks – But With Strict Conditions Attached

One of the major problems for businesses in the cryptocurrency industry is finding a bank that agrees to work with them and connect them to the traditional fiat financial system. The financial regulator in Switzerland has just made this easier by licensing two companies to serve as tailored banks...

Major Swedish Bank Orders Negative Interest Rate on Euro Deposits

Sub-zero interest rates have become the norm in some countries, especially in Europe. Nordic nations such as Sweden and Denmark have been in negative territory for a while and a growing number of banks in the region are now charging depositors for keeping their money. Saving in fiat right...

The World Bank’s Blockchain Bond Is Just a Fancy Way of Selling Debt

Last year the World Bank and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia announced a permissioned Ethereum-based blockchain to facilitate the end-to-end issuance of bonds between financial partners. The Bretton Woods-created financial institution hopes to make debt capital markets far more efficient with...

Fiat Lite vs. Freedom Maximalist: The Two Types of Bitcoiner

As regulation continues growing exponentially for cryptocurrencies worldwide, a chasm is yawning ever deeper between supporters. On the one hand, many yearn for massive adoption and clear regulations so they can get on with their trading, and get on with their lives – not to mention...

The Most Important Aspect of Bitcoin Is the Separation of Money and State

Many cryptocurrency supporters believe the technology allows for the separation of money and state in a manner that’s never been seen before. Governments inflict two forms of robbery against nonviolent citizens by forcing them to pay taxes while also stealing from them silently through...

Argentina’s Peso Collapse Shows Governments Shouldn’t Control Money

Whenever bitcoin experiences a sharp drop or volatility, mainstream media analysts jump to declare that cryptocurrency isn’t stable enough to be considered money. The double-digit crash of the Argentine peso in one day, simply due to an election in the country, can be said to prove the same...

Is China on the Verge of Releasing a Digital Fiat?

China’s central bank has revealed details of a plan to issue a blockchain-powered digital fiat – and appears to be assembling a host of resources and personnel to speed up the process. Per a report from Beijing Business Today (republished by Shina), the deputy director of the People’s Bank of China...

Owning Fiat Just Got More Expensive – NIRP Strikes Again

With the recent Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) announcement that even more customers will be charged to hold money in their banks, people are scrambling to find ways to preserve their wealth, while USB and others scramble to dam the losses resulting from national negative interest rate policy...

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