The Popeye Moment
Frank Chimero is redesigning "in the open" and we should pay attention to it because (1) we should listen to anything Frank has to say because he's a great designer and writer and (2) working in public is awesome.
But the gut punch for me in this opening article is the way Frank pulls zero punches...
How to Navigate the Minefield of Cryptocurrency Taxation
National tax agencies have recently made it clear that the long arms of the law will be wielded to ensure bitcoiners pay the appropriate tax on their earnings. Motivated by surging interest in crypto, authorities are cracking the whip and instilling fear in those who have, until now, dismissed...
Why Not Pay Sources for Stories? — Asks Blockchain Media Startup
BLOCKTV wants to pay people for helping it tell meaningful stories about the blockchain space, even though established journalistic norms say not to
Německo přikáže otevřít Applu přístup k NFC. Třeba se na iOS dočkáme plného Google Pay
Co se týče plateb mobilním telefonem, Apple drží nad iOS pevnou ruku a nikomu nedovoluje přístup k čipu NFC. Banky a firmy tak musí využít Apple Pay, což se ale nelíbí zákonodárcům v Německu. Ti nyní schválili zákon, který přinutí cupertinskou firmu pustit k této funkci i konkurenci.
Apple již
With Christmas Approaching, Here Are Some Travel Sites Accepting Crypto
Traveling for the Christmas holidays is something anyone would enjoy. Dealing with travel arrangements, however, can be a headache. For crypto enthusiasts, being able to pay for airplane tickets, hotel bookings and car rentals with cryptocurrency is a relief, because it’s convenient...
Venezuela to pay pensioners their bonuses in Petro
CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 18 November, 2019 “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” – Paul Valery In today's newsletter, we will be covering: Bitcoin (BTC) rewards app Lolli responding to […]
The post Venezuela to pay pensioners their...
Venezuela to pay pensioners their bonuses in Petro
CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 18 November, 2019 “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” – Paul Valery In today's newsletter, we will be covering: Bitcoin (BTC) rewards app Lolli responding to […]
The post Venezuela to pay pensioners their...
Venezuela to Pay Retirees and Pensioners Christmas Bonus in Petro
The Christmas bonus of Venezuelan retirees and pensioners will be paid in Petro
This Blockchain-Based Social Media Network Is The First Apple Pay Approved DApp
Pepo is the first DApp allowed to offer Apple Pay payments, says founder Jason Goldberg
Další způsob, jak si poslat peníze. Facebook pay umožní platby přímo v konverzaci na Messengeru
Facebook představil vlastní platební službu Facebook Pay, která je jeho dalším pokusem stát se platebním prostředkem pro masy. Rozdíl proti konkurenčním službám je ten, že nejde o klasické bezkontaktní platby, ale pouze o platby online.
Facebook Pay je součástí aplikací Facebook a Messenger,
Facebook Launches a New Payment Platform “Facebook Pay” For Social Networks
Facebook launched a payment system, Facebook Pay, which will operate on its platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. The Social Media site also cleared that it has nothing to do with the platform’s proposed cryptocurrency Libra. In a press brief, the company’s official...
Venezuela to Pay Taxes and Financial Services Through Petro Cryptocurrency
Amidst the crumbling economy and ever-growing inflation, the Maduro government in Venezuela has been trying to hold control. As part of the economic revival plan, Venezuelan president Maduro launched a state-owned cryptocurrency Petro last year. The currency was meant to strengthen and alleviate...
OCBC Bank and DBS Team Up With Google Pay to Launch Pay Services in Singapore
OCBC Bank and DBS have tied up with Google Pay to help the two banks launch Google Pay services with PayNow and PayLah! by next year. Peer to peer funds transfer is now a multibillion-dollar industry, and the customers at OCBC will be the first ones in Singapore to make such transfers via Google...
Kdo podporuje Google Pay a Apple Pay? Velký přehled bank a placení telefonem
Podporu platebních systémů od Googlu a Applu oznámilo současně několik bankovních institucí a přidávají se tak na již poměrně obsáhlý seznam těch, kteří některou z moderních platebních metod podporují. Google a Apple Pay tak nově podporuje například ČSOB či Era.
Mezi nově podporované patří ČSOB,
ATM Coin Founders Ordered to Pay $4.25 Million for Fraud
A U.S. court issued penalties against the team and firms behind ATM Coin for fraud and misappropriation of client funds in case brought by the CFTC
[aktualita] Apple Pay už začala nabízet i ČSOB a Poštovní spořitelna
Klienti druhé největší české banky a Poštovní spořitelny mohou konečně začít využívat mobilní platby prostřednictvím Apple Pay. ČSOB spustila platby prostřednictvím Apple Pay jako desátá banka v Česku. I přes několikaměsíční zpoždění je tu ale malý háček, služba je zatím dostupná jen pro klienty...
Curve umí Google Pay, ale ještě o tom asi nemáte vědět
Fintech startup Curve zavádí podporu Google Pay. Díky tomu můžete platit telefonem s téměř jakoukoliv kartou. Curve totiž slouží jako prostředník, kdy skrze jejich kartu můžete zaplatit téměř jakoukoliv jinou platební kartou a obejít tak případnou nepodporu Google Pay ze strany vaší banky. Novinku
Air Bank konečně zavádí Google Pay. Placení skrze vlastní aplikaci My Air zruší
Air Bank aktuálně spouští placení mobilem za pomoci Google Pay. Společně s tím zavádí i Garmin a Fitbit Pay. Vlastní řešení v aplikaci My Air bude v nadcházející době zrušeno. Konkurenční Apple Pay banka podporuje již několik měsíců.
Přidání karty do Google Pay je jednoduché, stačí si pouze
Bad Loans at Big British Banks Jump Over 50% in a Year
Shaken by the never-ending saga around Brexit and the global slowdown, the British economy is now showing signs that point to an upcoming crisis. The U.K.’s biggest banks have been dealing with a growing number of loans companies are struggling to pay off. At the same time, low interest rates...
Craig Wright to Return to Court after ‘Failing’ to Pay Settlement
Craig Wright. Source: a video screenshot, Coingeek
Craig Wright, a controversial Australian computer scientist and supporter of Bitcoin SV (BSV), appears to have defaulted on the payment of a settlement fee he agreed with the estate of his former partner, Dave Kleiman.
In September this year...