
Nalezeno "the star": 1303

The Lucasfilm Games Name, At Least, Is Back

Lucasarts is dead, but for some reason, the powers behind The Brands have decided that the company’s previous name—Lucasfilm Games—is something that needs to be resurrected, and so will now be on the box and the end of trailers for every Star Wars game going forward.Read more

The Rogue Squadron Pilots We Want in Patty Jenkins' Star Wars Movie

In 2023, Patty Jenkins will deliver (pending future ramifications of the world in which we live) Rogue Squadron, the next major theatrical release in the Star Wars saga: a tale of the bravest squadron of pilots in the galaxy far, far away. The Rogues have a long history within canon and a longer...

Getting our hopes up: The A.V. Club’s 14 most anticipated releases of 2021

After the year we’ve all had, it feels like courting disaster to pin any hopes on a wide release that wasn’t manufactured by Pfizer or Moderna. Looking back at what The A.V. Club published when we were still looking forward to 2020, we could’ve just republished some of it wholesale. But credit...

Pro Football Star Receives Half of His $13 Million Salary in Bitcoin

Carolina Panthers offensive lineman Russell Okung said he has been paid in bitcoin after asking to be paid in the cryptocurrency for almost two years. The Panthers is reportedly diverting half of his $13 million salary to the Strike wallet, which converts the payment into bitcoin for Okung. Russell...

The Coolest Star Wars Collectibles of 2020

Look, considering the “Skywalker Saga” (to be clear, you’re absolutely a narc if you call it that) came to a close last December, 2020 was still a banner year when it comes to Star Wars merchandise. Between The Mandalorian merch finally hitting in full force after a slight delay, a whole bunch...

The Nerd's Watch: The Best Sci-Fi and Fantasy Streaming in January

Viewers are turning to streaming entertainment more than ever thanks to the global pandemic, and the plethora of services can serve as a much-needed escape. At the start of each month, most streamers do a little shuffle, adding new movies and taking some away, and io9 is here to help with your...

Phantasy Star III Is A Flawed, But Ambitious, Entry Into The Series

Phantasy Star III was a game I wanted to love, especially since its predecessor was a science fiction classic and arguably one of my favorite games on the Sega Genesis. I still remember when I first heard about Phantasy Star III, which released for the Genesis in 1991, I was blown away by the idea...

The Fictional Characters, TV Shows, and Movies We Lost in 2020

It was a rough year for all of us in the real world, but those fictional universes we spend so much time in didn’t get off scot-free. A lot of television shows ended their runs this year, and a lot of our favorite characters from sci-fi, fantasy, and horror took their final bows as well. Here...

Characters Who Helped Us Make It Through 2020

Twenty-twenty has been a year of seeking comfort in media, both in the nostalgia of old favorites and the exciting discovery of new and excellent stories. This year, more than any recently, we’ve looked for new bonds and new characters to fall in love with. Here are the heroes who kept us going...

How The Mandalorian's Finale Reveal Fits Into Star Wars' Timeline

The Mandalorian’s season finale took Din Djarin’s small slice of the Star Wars universe and exploded it into smithereens—smithereens with much larger ties to the vast Skywalker Saga than any of us could’ve imagined when this show first started last year. But now that its adventures are inextricably...

Put a Virtual Baby Grogu in Your Home

If you haven’t already brought Baby Yoda/Grogu/The Child into your home for the holidays—whether in the form of a giant stuffed animal, a walking toy, or just obsessive rewatchings of The Mandalorian—there is another... option (to borrow Yoda’s dramatic phrasing from Return of the Jedi): Use your...

The Pop Culture Highlights and Lowlights of 2020

In a year full of all kinds of bad real-world news, pop culture still managed to poke its head up periodically to remind us that not everything sucks. Of course, this being 2020, that same realm also managed to leave a few steaming piles for us to step in, too. Here are our picks for the year’s...

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