Bitcoin Generates More Carbon Emissions Than Some Countries, Study Warns
The carbon emissions generated by bitcoin are comparable to the whole of Kansas City — and even a small country — a study finds
Iran’s Energy Minister Wants Crypto Miners Charged Real Electricity Prices
Iran’s deputy energy minister has said that power bills for crypto mining should be calculated in real electricity prices and no longer subsidized
Crypto Miners’ Electricity Shouldn’t Be Subsidized: Iranian Energy Minister
Low electricity costs make Iran a popular mining destination. That could change
New Report By CoinShares Indicates That Over 74% Of BTC Mining Is Powered By Renewable Energy
CoinShares, a crypto investment, and research firm has published its bi-annual mining report last week, and it has some good news for the crypto community at large. As per the report, 74.1% of Bitcoin mining is powered by renewable energy. This might sound great, but in reality, the number went...
Study: Over 74% of Bitcoin Mining is Powered by Renewable Energy
Bitcoin mining’s energy mix is 74.1% renewable energy, according to cryptocurrency investment products and research firm CoinShares
74% of the World’s Bitcoin Mining Operations Driven by Renewable Energy Says Report
There’s a lot of debate over whether bitcoin mining is bad for the environment. Many bureaucrats and mainstream media pundits claim that mining is wasteful and bitcoin’s energy consumption cannot be ignored. However, these claims have been refuted in the past and on June 6, Coinshares...
Barrels of Oil May Be Paid for Using Crypto One Day, Head of Russian Energy Giant Says
The head of Russian oil company Rosneft has not ruled out the possibility of paying for oil using cryptocurrencies in the future
Top South Korean Utility to Co-Develop Blockchain System for Renewable Energy Certificates
South Korea’s top power provider has signed a contract with two domestic power suppliers to create a blockchain-based system for Renewable Energy Certificate transactions
Bitcoin Mining With Solar: Less Risky and More Profitable Than Selling to the Grid
The energy used to mine bitcoin has long caused debate over whether it’s a wasteful process. As the arguments have rumbled on, some people have been focused on mining coins with renewable energy. On May 29, Christian Ander, the founder of Stockholm’s Btcx exchange, explained how instead...
Honda And GM to Research Smart Grid, Electric Car Interoperability With Blockchain Tech
Honda and GM will work within the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative on research regarding smart grid and electric car interoperability
ABB Launches Blockchain Pilot for Solar Energy Sector
ABB in collaboration with Evolvere and Prosume has launched a pilot to explore how blockchain technology can advance the solar energy market
Earth day, API’s and sunshine.
Cassie Evans showcases some really nifty web design ideas and explores using the API provided by the company her team over at Clearleft recently hired to cover their building's roof with solar panels. Cassie outlines her journey designing a webpage that uses the API to populate some light data...
Fúzní elektrárnu budeme mít do pěti let, chlubí se firma
Společnost TAE, dříve známá jako Tri Alpha Energy, během příštích pěti let začne na trhu nabízet fúzní zařízení na výrobu elektřiny. S nečekaným a optimistickým slibem přišel její šéf Michl Binderbauer při nedávné přednášce na Kalifornské univerzitě. Další články k tématu:Jaderná fúze zažila...
WDRL — Edition 230: DNS over HTTPS, Web Push and Bitcoin’s Dark Energy Secret
the web’s evolving every single day and it’s amazing to follow and watch what happens. So when I heard first about Notifications in our web browsers by websites I was immediately concerned that a lot of websites will abuse this and ask for permission. Over time, a lot of people got annoyed...
Ship Map
Interactive maps can both be functional and, when combined with data, tell a good story. Kiln released this data-driven map (make sure to hit the play button) to show the routes of every cargo ship moving about on the high seas in 2012.
Created by London-based data visualisation studio Kiln...
Podzimní Smart Energy Hackathon 2017 ovládl chatbot, který hlídá účty za energie
Smart Energy Hackathon, který proběhl na začátku listopadu, do Prahy přivábil ty nejbystřejší mozky, které se zabývají tématy spojenými s chytrým řešením pro energetiku. Může třeba chytrá technologie v domě poznat vaši náladu a podle ní upravit osvětlení nebo jak je možné ušetřit prodáním...