Responsible, Conditional Loading
Over on the Polyplane blog (there’s no byline but presumably it’s Kilian Valkhof), there is a great article, Creating websites with prefers-reduced-data, about the prefers-reduced-data media query. No browser support yet, but eventually you can use it in CSS to make choices that reduce...
Integrating TypeScript with Svelte
Svelte is one of the newer JavaScript frameworks and it’s rapidly rising in popularity. It’s a template-based framework, but one which allows for arbitrary JavaScript inside the template bindings; it has a superb reactivity story that’s simple, flexible and effective; and as an ahead-of-time (AOT)...
A Calendar in Three Lines of CSS
This article has no byline and is on a website that is even more weirdly specific than this one is, but I appreciate the trick here. A seven-column grid makes for a calendar layout pretty quick. You can let the days (grid items) fall onto it naturally, except kick the first day over to the correct...
Custom Styles in GitHub Readme Files
Even though GitHub Readme files (typically ./ are Markdown, and although Markdown supports HTML, you can’t put <style> or <script> tags init. (Well, you can, they just get stripped.) So you can’t apply custom styles there. Or can you?
You can use SVG as...
Continuous Performance Analysis with Lighthouse CI and GitHub Actions
Lighthouse is a free and open-source tool for assessing your website’s performance, accessibility, progressive web app metrics, SEO, and more. The easiest way to use it is through the Chrome DevTools panel. Once you open the DevTools, you will see a “Lighthouse” tab. Clicking the “Generate report”...
“Yes or No?”
Sara Soueidan digs into this HTML/UX situation. “Yes” or “no” is a boolean situation. A checkbox represents this: it’s either on or off (uh, mostly). But is a checkbox always the best UX? It depends, of course:
Use radio buttons if you expect the answer to be equally...
Edge Everything
The series is a wrap my friends! Thanks for reading and a big special thanks to all the authors this year who shared something they have learned. Many authors really swung wide with thoughts about how we can be better and do better, which of course I really love.
Adam showed us logical properties...
Recognizing Constraints
There’s a “C” word in web development that we don’t give enough attention to. No, I’m not talking about “continuous integration”, or even “CSS”. The “C” word I’m talking about is “constraints”. Understanding constraints is a vital part of building software that works the best it can in its targeted...
WooCommerce on Mobile
Whether you use the eCommerce features on or use WooCommerce on your self-hosted WordPress site (like we do), you can use the WooCommerce mobile app. That’s right WooCommerce has native apps for iOS and Android. They’ve just released some nice upgrades to both, making them...
Deploying a Serverless Jamstack Site with RedwoodJS, Fauna, and Vercel
This article is for anyone interested in the emerging ecosystem of tools and technologies related to Jamstack and serverless. We’re going to use Fauna’s GraphQL API as a serverless back-end for a Jamstack front-end built with the Redwood framework and deployed with a one-click deploy on Vercel.
How The Web is Really Built
My 2020 was colored by the considerable amount of time I spent analyzing data about CSS usage in the wild, for the CSS chapter of the Web Almanac, by the HTTP Archive. The results were eye-opening to me. A wake-up call of sorts. We spend so much time in the bubble of bleeding-edge tech that we lose...
2020 Roundup of Web Research
It’s December! Lots of things are published this time of year, like developer advent calendars and organizations reflecting on the past year. We have even our own end-of-year series where we asked folks what they learned in 2020. But we also see lots of research come out around this time....
Retrospective on Fela
I really appreciate a real-world walkthrough of a technology. Not only in what that technology does, but why it was chosen and how it worked for a team. Anybody can read the docs, but what you know after years of real-world usage is far more valuable. Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel:
I want to properly...
Converting and Optimizing Images From the Command Line
Images take up to 50% of the total size of an average web page. And if images are not optimized, users end up downloading extra bytes. And if they’re downloading extra bytes, the site not only takes that much more time to load, but users are using more data, both of which can be resolved, at least...
“I Don’t Know”
I’ve learned to be more comfortable not knowing. “I don’t know”, comes easier now. “I don’t know anything about that.” It’s okay. It feels good to say.
Whether it’s service workers, Houdini, shadow DOM, web components, HTTP2, CSS grid, “micro-front ends”, AVIF… there are many paths before...
Change vs. Inertia
Recently, I’ve become more deeply aware of the inherent tension between change and inertia, as it applies to the evolution and use of web technologies. These forces have always been present and opposed to each other, but it seems to me that the side effects of these collisions are impacting...
Optimizing Image Depth
Something I learned (or, I guess, re-learned) this year is how important it is to pay close attention to the bit depth of images. Way back in the day, we used to obsessively choose between 2-, 4-, or 8-bit color depth on our GIFs, because when lots of users were using dialup modems to surf the...
What Makes CSS Hard To Master
Tim Severien:
I feel we, the community, have to acknowledge that CSS is easy to get started with and hard to master. Let’s reflect on the language and find out what makes it hard.
Tim’s reasons CSS is hard (in my own words):
You can look at a matching Ruleset, and still not have the whole...
What’s Old is New
This year, I learned a lot about how “old” tricks can solve a lot of modern problems if you use the right tools. Following the growth of Jamstack-style development has been both a learning experience, while also a nostalgic one. It’s been amazing to see how you can power plain...
I learned to love the Same-Origin Policy
I spent a good chunk of my work life this year trying (in collaboration with the amazing Noam Rosenthal) to standardize a new web platform feature: a way to modify the intrinsic size and resolution of images. And hey! We did it! But boy, was it ever a learning experience.
This wasn’t my first...