Crypto Crime Blotter: Scammers Dupe Jersey Island Man Out of £1.2 million, Backpage Laundered Cash With Crypto
Did Backpage launder cash through crypto? What happened to three Germans on the DarkWeb? This week's Crypto Crime Blotter
Currently Reading: Progressive Web Apps by Jason Grisby
I’ve been reading Jason Grigsby’s new book on progressive web apps this past week and it’s exciting. Jason explains what PWAs are and how they work while while doing a bang-up job covering the business case for using them them, too. But perhaps you might be thinking that a PWA isn’t necessary...
A Website is a Car and Not a Book
I’ve been wondering for a good long while why it feels like web design and development isn’t respected as much as native app development= and why the front-end role in many organizations is seen as a nice-to-have rather than a vital part of the business. Why is it so hard to see that this gig...
Decaying Sites
Websites have a tendency to decay all by themselves. Link rot, they call it. Unpaid domain name registrations. Companies that have gone out of business. Site owners that have lost interest. What's sadder than a 404? Landing on a holding page of a URL that used to exist, but now has fallen into...
Data, (ne)webová analytika i business intelligence pod drobnohledem: Blíží se konference Data Restart
Celodenní konference o datech a analytice proběhne 8. dubna v Divadle pod Palmovkou. Nabídne celkem jedenáct přednášek nejen pro analytiky, ale i pro markeťáky, provozovatele webů a e-shopů, nebo třeba agenturní a freelance konzultanty. Program konference s pečlivostí analytikům vlastní připravuje...
Technical Debt is Like Tetris
Here’s a wonderful post by Eric Higgins all about refactoring and technical debt. He compares giant refactoring projects to being similar to Tetris:
Similar to running a business, Tetris gets harder the longer you play. Pieces move faster and it becomes harder to keep up.
Similar to running...
Program Surface for Business se rozšiřuje po Evropě. Nechybí ani Česká republika
Surface for Business je speciální program Microsoftu, který nabízí firmám vlastní řadu Surface za speciálních podmínek. Skrze něj se snaží dostat do škol a podniků a lokalizovaná verze tohoto programu nyní zamíří i do Česka. Firmy tak budou možnost zakoupit si hardware přímo od Microsoftu.
SEC’s Assessment Concludes that Ethereum is not a Security, IBM Joins Crypto Custody Business
U.S. Securities and Commission Exchange (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton has written a letter to U.S. Rep. Ted Budd in which he agrees with Division of Corporate Finance Director Bill Hinman evaluation that Ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market […]
The post SEC’s Assessment Concludes...
Extracting Text from Content Using HTML Slot, HTML Template and Shadow DOM
Chapter names in books, quotes from a speech, keywords in an article, stats on a report — these are all types of content that could be helpful to isolate and turn into a high-level summary of what's important.
For example, have you seen the way Business Insider provides an article's key points...
Startup Týdne #122: Thermosolar Hive řešící největší včelařský problém současnosti
Parazitický roztoč je celosvětově nejvýznamnějším zabijákem včel na světě. Včelaři proti němu běžně používají chemická léčiva, které se však ztrácí účinnost a selhávají. Jan Rája a Roman Linhart přitom přišli na způsob, jak jednoduše proti tomuto parazitovi bojovat – efektivněji a ekologičtěji....
[článek] Jan Pátek (Business Factory): Klesající návštěvnost Facebooku je mýtus
[6 minut čtení] Ačkoli se říká, že Facebook upadá, ve skutečnosti to není pravda, jen se hlavní zájem přesouvá z jedné podoby Facebooku na jinou, říká výkonný ředitel digitální agentury Business Factory. O nejnovějších trendech v online reklamě jsme mluvili s Jane Pátkem, Global Managing Directorem...
Create Smart WordPress Forms in Less Than 5 Minutes with WPForms
(This is a sponsored post.)
Most online form solutions are either too complex or too expensive.
We believe you shouldn't have to spend hours creating online forms for your business. That's why we built WPForms, a drag and drop WordPress form builder that's both EASY and POWERFUL.
WPForms allows...
[aktualita] Marketing Seznamu nově vede Jiří Herian, business development Daniel Mansour
7.1.2019 se začátkem roku oznámil dvě personální změny. Do čela marketingového oddělení od ledna nastoupil Jiří Herian, který posledních dvacet let působil v mediálních agenturách skupiny Omnicom Media Group. V Seznamu bude zodpovědný za brandový marketing, produktovou a B2B komunikaci a povede...
(This is a sponsored post.)
I just read a nicely put together story about WooCommerce over on the CodeinWP blog. WooCommerce started life as WooThemes, sort of a "premium themes" business started by just a couple of fellas who had never even met in person. Two years and a few employees later they...
Web Designs That Feel Like Ancient History, but Are More Recent Than You Think
Flickr announced not long ago that they are limiting free accounts to 1,000 photos. I don't particularly mind that (because it seems like sound business sense), although it is a bit sad that a ton of photos will be nuked from the internet. I imagine the Internet Archive will swoop in and get most...
Fund Seeks $200 Million to Help Startups Survive a Crypto Winter
David Johnston’s new Yeoman’s Growth Capital will invest exclusively in live blockchain projects
Overstock’s Medici Ventures Invests in Wine-Tracking Blockchain Startup
Medici Ventures, the blockchain accelerator arm of, has made a seven-figure investment in wine-tracking startup VinX
Team Management with
Experimenting with was an eye-opening experience; I always knew that team management was difficult but it always seemed like you’d need half a dozen pieces of software to bring it all together; think HR, team management, task management, CRM, billing…organization of all...
CBP: Our ‘Live Fire’ Blockchain Test Is Entering the Proof-of-Concept Phase
U. S. Customs and Border Protection will begin its live testing of a shipment tracking system on a blockchain after Labor Day
Code as a Weapon: Amir Taaki Wants You to Join the Real Crypto Revolution
Infamous developer Amir Taaki believes bitcoin's potential is exhausted, but he's not giving up the fight to change the world with cryptocurrency