
Nalezeno "GT Data": 5248

NFT Sales Spike 12.62% Higher Than Last Week, Breaking Two-Month Downturn

Parsed data from the week spanning October 14-21, 2023, reveals an upward trend in non-fungible token (NFT) sales, with a 12.62% surge from the previous week. Both buyer and seller participation swelled, by 15% and 17% respectively, resulting in approximately $70.51 million in NFT transactions....

Tax Authorities in EU to Share Transaction Data Reported by Crypto Firms

New EU rules will introduce automated exchange of information on crypto revenues reported by service providers in the sector. A new directive adopted by the Union expands existing registration and reporting obligations as well as cooperation between tax administrations across the bloc. Information...

TrueUSD's Client Data Exposed in Third-Party Security Breach

Stablecoin issuer TrueUSD recently fell victim to a third-party security breach that led to the exposure of personally identifiable information of some of its clients. According to screenshots posted on X of an email allegedly sent by TrueUSD to customers, the breach affected clients who were...

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