Overstock’s Medici Ventures Invests in Wine-Tracking Blockchain Startup
Medici Ventures, the blockchain accelerator arm of, has made a seven-figure investment in wine-tracking startup VinX
Monero price page is part of The CoinDesk 20 that features price history, price ticker, market cap and live charts for the top cryptocurrencies. Monero is a privacy focused currency created in 2014. A participant on the Bitcointalk forum going by the username “Thankful_for_today”...
Crypto Behind Bars: Arrests Making Headlines Across the Globe
From soap actors to nuclear engineers, Cointelegraph takes stock of some of the most illustrious arrests of the figures behind crypto’s high crimes and misdemeanours this year
Early Execs Leave, the Peter Thiel-Backed Crypto Startup Behind EOS
As was raising $4 billion from Silicon Valley and Wall Street, a group of executives decided to quit and build a bigger, better blockchain
When Blockchains Go Down: Why Crypto Outages Are on the Rise
It used to be that downtime was unheard of on blockchain networks. As new protocols and new trade-offs emerge, that's no longer the case
Exit Scam in Wonderland: Bitconnect’s Tentacles From Texas to Gujarat
Cointelegraph traces Bitconnect’s tangle of high crimes and misdemeanours in the Indian state of Gujarat
WeChat Now Censoring Bitmain and Crypto Price Prediction Accounts
WeChat has just blocked an official sales channel for Bitmain miners, along with several accounts that analyse the crypto markets
Life’s Code: Blockchain and the Future of Genomics
Sequencing the world: blockchain and the future of genomics
Hong Kong Extends Migrant Policy to Facilitate DLT and FinTech Professionals
Under a new “Talent List” initiative, the Hong Kong government will simplify its immigration policy to attract DLT and fintech professionals
Crypto Exchange Hacks in Review: Proactive Steps and Expert Advice
Only since the beginning of the year, over $742,68 million have been stolen from crypto exchanges, and a series of attacks goes on. Why does this happen and how can exchanges defend themselves?
CBP: Our ‘Live Fire’ Blockchain Test Is Entering the Proof-of-Concept Phase
U. S. Customs and Border Protection will begin its live testing of a shipment tracking system on a blockchain after Labor Day
Code as a Weapon: Amir Taaki Wants You to Join the Real Crypto Revolution
Infamous developer Amir Taaki believes bitcoin's potential is exhausted, but he's not giving up the fight to change the world with cryptocurrency
Zambia, Overstock’s Medici Ink Deal on Blockchain Land Registry Pilot
American retail giant's blockchain subsidiary is partnering with the Zambian government to build a blockchain land title registry
Rusko chystá přísný zákon proti fake news. Dotkne se hlavně sociálních sítí
Nový zákon, který umožní vládě trestat sociální sítě, které nebudou rychle mazat lživé příspěvky na svých stránkách, plánuje Rusko. S nápadem přišlo v rámci diskuzí o jeho údajném vměšování do amerických voleb v roce 2016, o kterém americké tajné služby stále tvrdí, že proběhlo, a Rusko, že
Anatomy of a malicious script: how a website can take over your browser
By now, we all know that the major tech behemoths like Facebook or Google know everything about our lives, including how often we go to the bathroom (hence all the prostate medication ads that keep popping up, even on reputable news sites). After all, we’ve given them permission to do so,...
WhatsApp označí, když vám přijde přeposlaná zpráva. Novinka má pomoci proti šíření fake news
Tvůrci komunikační aplikace WhatsApp jsou si vědomi, že má problém s fake news. Poté, co v Indii došlo k několika vraždám, které zapříčilo šíření falešných zpráv po této platformě, se v aplikaci objevuje nová funkce. Ta upozorní na každou zprávu, která byla přeposlaná dále. Právě mezi přeposílanými
Fake news zabíjí: Kvůli falešné zprávě na WhatsAppu zemřelo v Indii minimálně 12 lidí
Fake news nejsou problém jen západní Evropy, Facebooku nebo Twitteru. Je to problém, který je přítomný i v rozvojovém světě, kde páchá možná ještě větší neplechu než u nás. Washington Post informuje, že kvůli falešné zprávě na komunikační aplikaci WhatsApp bylo tento týden v Indii zabito pět lidí.
Binance Halts Trading Over ‘Atypical’ Crypto Transactions
Binance has suspended trading services after one token on its platform was reported with abnormal transactions
Startup Raises $600K to Build Bitcoin Cash Mobile Wallet
29.6.2018,a blockchain startup developing a way of conducting offline bitcoin cash transactions, closed a $600,000 seed funding round Wants to Rewrite the Entire EOS Constitution
Attempts to sort out the results of hacks and scams have resulted in a constitutional crisis