
Nalezeno "halving": 1264

Post-Halving Litecoin to Readjust its Mining Difficulty Today

The 5th cryptocurrency network by market capitalization, Litecoin (LTC) had its second halving two days ago but the other network metrics haven't experienced dramatic changes as of yet. The hashrate, or the computing power of the network, corrected lower but is still a few times bigger than in...

LTC Mining Rewards Have Been Halved; Next Halving will be done in 2023

After reaching the block height of, 680,000 at 10:16 UTC on 5th August, Litecoin (LTC), has halved its crypto rewards. This is a landmark point for the LTC miners given the structural design of the crypto has a pattern to reduce its mining rewards to half in almost every four years. Therefore...

Litecoin Enters Lower Supply Era as Second Halving is Complete

The fifth cryptocurrency network by market capitalization, Litecoin (LTC) just had its second halving, prompting some miners to shut their machines down, switch to other coins or invest in more powerful mining equipment, while the market is trying to guess how the price of this coin will react....

From Halving to Halving: Litecoin Has Seen Massive Rise

Source: iStock/da-kuk The fourth cryptocurrency network by market capitalization, Litecoin (LTC), is nearing its second halving. And while the Litecoin block mining reward will decrease by half again, other numbers show that the network metrics have significantly increased in four years since...

The First ‘Halving’ of Litecoin Mining Rewards is Just 4 Days Away

Yesterday, Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin, made an announcement which caught a lot of attention. In a Twitter post, he said that in the coming four days he would be found cutting Litecoin mining rewards into half. Why is this special? Well, it is special because it will take place for...

Litecoin Halving Should Already Be Priced in, Says Charlie Lee

The Litecoin (LTC) halving, or reduction of the Litecoin block mining reward, should already be priced in by the market as everyone knows about it since the beginning, according to Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin, currently the 5th coin by market capitalization, and the Managing Director...

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