
Nalezeno "facebook": 2240

Facebook’s Libra in Spain Setback – but Is there a Glimmer of UK Hope?

Facebook has endured a ragged week so far in Europe as its Libra token plans have come under fire from top finance officials first in Germany, and now in Spain. But a new report appears to indicate that British regulators might be keener to at least engage with Facebook about its proposals than...

[článek] Proč se centrální banky bojí Facebook Libry a o čem to vypovídá

[6 minut čtení] Libra od Facebooku nepřestává vyvolávat rozruch. Ve švýcarské Basileji kvůli ní zasedalo 26 centrálních bank z Výboru pro platební styk a tržní infrastrukturu (CPMI) při „bance bank“ – Bance pro mezinárodní platby (BIS). Pozornost, kterou Libře centrální bankéři věnují,...

Facebook to Face Global Regulators about its Libra Cryptocurrency Project

According to recent news, Global regulators will interrogate Facebook shortly regarding its Libra cryptocurrency, even though the EU governments expressed concerns that the digital currency poses a danger to financial stability. As per the Financial Times, Facebook needs to face 26 national banks...

European Countries Step Up Response to Facebook’s Libra

The European Central Bank (ECB) and a number of countries in the region have stepped up their efforts in response to Facebook’s Libra, which has revived a competing ECB project for instant payments. As Facebook engages Switzerland’s financial regulator, the ECB clarifies how Libra...

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