Decryptionary Helps New Investors Understand Crypto Terms
Rising cryptocurrency markets may once again arouse the interest of new investors. The crypto space has its specifics and it takes some effort to acquaint oneself with the terminology. Decryptionary has been created to impart the basic information you need to start understanding Bitcoin better....
How to Generate QR Codes for Crypto Payments
Businesses and projects in the crypto space have an incentive to facilitate cryptocurrency payments for their customers and users. With QR codes, acquiring a recipient’s address is easy – all it takes is a quick scan with a smartphone. A platform called Cwaqrgen provides a tool...
Stay in Touch With Markets Using the Cryptowatch App
Cryptocurrency prices and market trends are constantly in flux. Cryptowatch is an Android Wear application that updates users about price changes on the go. It’s always with you, even when your smartphone is not around or runs out of battery. Also read: Coin 360 Provides Color-Based Crypto...
Make Browsing GitHub Easier and Faster with Octotree
GitHub is an amazing tool that many of us developers use on a daily basis. While GitHub has many great features, one thing that I've always found it to lack is browsing speed. They've got keyboard
Using Slack Slash Commands to Send Data from Slack into Google Sheets
Since I work from home, most of my daily work interactions happen through Slack. It’s my equivalent to the water cooler. A place to hang out and discuss ideas with friends. I’m part of a book recommendations channel. People share books all the time, but they disappear quickly, lost in a sea...
Code Challenge #14: Test Your Knowledge of React Hooks
The front-end world of JavaScript keeps buzzing daily with new tools, technologies, and super updates! One of such recent release by the React.js team is React Hooks in React 16.7-alpha. Here's
Drawing Images with CSS Gradients
What I mean by "CSS images" is images that are created using only HTML elements and CSS. They look as if they were SVGs drawn in Adobe Illustrator but they were made right in the browser. Some techniques I’ve seen used are tinkering with border radii, box shadows, and sometimes clip-path. You...
Collective #417
Segmented Type * Toybox * Strimpack * Lordicon * Daily CSS Design * Vuido * What if JavaScript wins? * Night Owl
Collective #417 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops