
Nalezeno "block ": 1883

Lots of Ways to Use Math.random() in JavaScript

Math.random() is an API in JavaScript. It is a function that gives you a random number. The number returned will be between 0 (inclusive, as in, it’s possible for an actual 0 to be returned) and 1 (exclusive, as in, it’s not possible for an actual 1 to be returned). Math.random(); // returns...

New Research Suggests Satoshi Nakamoto Lived in London Creating Bitcoin

The hunt for the mysterious Bitcoin inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto continues to this day, as new data-driven research has been recently deployed in order to figure out the creator’s location while he/she or they worked on the network. The researchers analyzed Satoshi’s 539 Bitcointalk...

The Core Web Vitals hype train

Some baby bear thinking from Katie Sylor-Miller: my excitement for Core Web Vitals is tempered with a healthy skepticism. I’m not yet convinced that Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) are the right metrics that all sites should...

console.log({ myVariable });

I think this might be my most popular tweet of all time, but I’m not sure how to verify that these days. I’ll restate this neat little trick here because blogging is cool and fun. I used to do this a lot while debugging JavaScript: console.log("myVariable: ", myVariable); But now I...

Firefox 83

There’s a small line in the changelog that is is big news for CSS: We’ve added support for CSS Conic Gradients (bug 1632351) and (bug 1175958). 🎉🎉🎉 Conic gradients are circular, just like their radial counterpart, but place color stops...

Measuring Core Web Vitals with Sentry

Chris made a few notes about Core Web Vitals the other day, explaining why measuring these performance metrics are so gosh darn important: I still think the Google-devised Core Web Vitals are smart. When I first got into caring about performance, it was all: reduce requests! cache things! Make...

Jetpack Backup

It’s no secret that CSS-Tricks is a WordPress site. And as such, we like to keep things WordPress-y, like enabling the block editor and creating some custom blocks. We also rely on Jetpack for a number of things, which if you haven’t tried, is definitely worth your time as it’s...

Logical layout enhancements with flow-relative shorthands

Admission: I’ve never worked on a website that was in anything other than English. I have worked on websites that were translated by other teams, but I didn’t have much to do with it. I do, however, spend a lot of time thinking in terms of block-level and inline-level elements....

Hash Watch: The Highly Anticipated Bitcoin Cash Fork Is Now Complete

The Bitcoin Cash community has been patiently waiting for weeks for the November 15, 2020 upgrade and the day is finally here. Every six months the Bitcoin Cash network upgrades, but this time around, a conflict sparked over Bitcoin ABC’s Infrastructure Funding Plan (IFP). During the course...

How to Work With WordPress Block Patterns

Just a little post I wrote up over at The Events Calendar blog. The idea is that a set of blocks can be grouped together in WordPress, then registered in a register_block_pattern() function that makes the group available to use as a “block pattern” in any page or post. Block patterns...

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