
Nalezeno "web": 2178

Drupal 9 je tu

Drupal 9 přichází s dalšími špičkovými funkcemi pro vývojáře a uživatele. Každý třicátý web na světě důvěřuje Drupalu jako platformě poskytující maximální digitální zážitek. Patří mezi ně například  Lufthansa, the CDC National Prevention…

Increment Issue 13: Frontend

Increment is a beautiful quarterly magazine (print and web) published by Stripe “about how teams build and operate software systems at scale”. While there is always stuff about making websites in general, this issue is the first focused on front-end¹ development. I’ve got...

Building Your First Serverless Service With AWS Lambda Functions

Many developers are at least marginally familiar with AWS Lambda functions. They’re reasonably straightforward to set up, but the vast AWS landscape can make it hard to see the big picture. With so many different pieces it can be daunting, and frustratingly hard to see how they fit seamlessly into...

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals is what Google is calling a a new collection of three web performance metrics: LCP: Largest Contentful Paint FID: First Input Delay CLS: Cumulative Layout Shift These are all measurable. They aren’t in Lighthouse (e.g. the Audits tab in Chrome DevTools) just yet, but sounds...

A First Look at `aspect-ratio`

Oh hey! A brand new property that affects how a box is sized! That’s a big deal. There are lots of ways already to make an aspect-ratio sized box (and I’d say this custom properties based solution is the best), but none of them are particularly intuitive and certainly not...

Collective #607

Windups * Untools * Tailblocks * PureCSS Gaze * RoughNotation * Responsive web design turns ten Collective #607 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

The Expanding Gamut of Color on the Web

CSS was introduced to the web all the way back in 1996. At the time, most computer monitors were pretty terrible. The colors of CSS — whether defined with the RGB, HSL, or hexadecimal format — catered to the monitors of the time, all within the sRGB colorspace. Most newer devices have a wide-gamut...

Responsive web design turns ten.

Ethan on the thinking and research that inspired the term: Around that time, my partner Elizabeth visited the High Line in New York City shortly after it opened. When she got back, she told me about these wheeled lounge chairs she saw in one section, and how people would move them apart for a...

Responsive web design turns ten.

Ethan on the thinking and research that inspired the term: Around that time, my partner Elizabeth visited the High Line in New York City shortly after it opened. When she got back, she told me about these wheeled lounge chairs she saw in one section, and how people...

Using Structured Data to Enhance Search Engine Optimization

SEO is often considered the snake oil of the web. How many times have you scrolled through attention-grabbing headlines on know how to improve your SEO? Everyone and their uncle seems to have some “magic” cure to land high in search results and turn impressions into conversions. Sifting through...

Framer Web

The prototyping app Framer just launched the web version of their design tool and it looks pretty darn neat. I particularly love the design of the marketing site that explains how to use Framer and what sets it apart from other design tools. They have a ton of examples that you can pop open...

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