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Understanding flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis

When you apply a CSS property to an element, there’s lots of things going on under the hood. For example, let’s say we have some HTML like this: <div class="parent"<div class="child"Child</div<div class="child"Child</div<div class="child"Child</div</div And...


Jeremey reacting to Sara’s tweet, about using [aria-*] selectors instead of classes when the styling you are applying is directly related to the ARIA state. … this is my preferred way of hooking up CSS and JavaScript interactions. Here’s [an] old CodePen where you can see...

Bidirectional scrolling: what’s not to like?

Some baby bear thinking from Adam Silver. Too hot: [On horizontal scrolling, like Netflix] This pattern is accessible, responsive and consistent across screen sizes. And it’s pretty easy to implement. Too cold: That’s a lot of pros for a pattern that in reality has some critical...

More People Dipping Toes Into Web Monetization

Léonie Watson: I do think that Coil and Web Monetization are at the vanguard of a quiet revolution. Here’s me when I’m visiting Léonie’s site: Enjoy the pennies! My Coil subscription ($5/month) doles out money to sites I visit that have monetization set up and installed. Other...

Getting the WordPress Block Editor to Look Like the Front End Design

I’m a WordPress user and, if you’re anything like me, you always have two tabs open when you edit a post: one with the new fancy pants block editor, aka Gutenberg, and another with a preview of the post so you know it won’t look wonky on the front end. It’s no surprise that...

GIFS and prefers-reduced-motion

The <picture> element has a trick it can do where it shows different image formats in different situations. If all you are interested in is formats for the sake of performance, maybe you’d do: <picture<source srcset="img/waterfall.avif" type="image/avif"<source...

Block Relations Partners with ATARC to Conduct Research

Technology innovation and blockchain marketing consultancy platform Block Relations announced on Monday that it has partnered with Academic Research Center (ATARC), a collaborative platform for government, academia, and enterprises. In a tweet, Block Relations said that collaboration with ATARC...

Transaction fees, explained

Why do blockchains need transaction fees — and which networks allow crypto to be transferred less expensively? This explained article takes a look

The CSS Custom Property Toggle Trick

Back in July 2020, I got an email from James0x57 (I always try to refer to people by their name, but I think I get the sense they prefer to go by screen name) that says: The entire world of branching conditional logic and bulk feature toggling for custom CSS properties is possible and only exists...

More on content-visibility

Back in August 2020, when the content-visiblity property in CSS trickled its way into Chrome browsers, Una Kravets and Vladimir Levin wrote about it and we covered it. The weirdest part is that to get the performance value out of it, you pair it with contain-intrinsic-size on these big chunks...

CSS in 3D: Learning to Think in Cubes Instead of Boxes

My path to learning CSS was a little unorthodox. I didn’t start as a front-end developer. I was a Java developer. In fact, my earliest recollections of CSS were picking colors for things in Visual Studio. It wasn’t until later that I got to tackle and find my love for the front end....

Smarter Ways to Generate a Deep Nested HTML Structure

Let’s say we want to have the following HTML structure: <div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'</div</div</div</div</div That’s real a pain to write manually. And the reason why this post was born was being...

The failed promise of Web Components

Lea has some words: Perusing the components on fills me with anxiety, and I’m perfectly comfortable writing JS — I write JS for a living! What hope do those who can’t write JS have? Using a custom element from the directory often needs to be preceded by a ritual of...

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