
Nalezeno "startup europe": 3093

EU Nears Agreement on Crypto Regulations, Report Reveals

Authorities in the EU are moving closer to a deal on a legislative package tailored to comprehensively regulate the crypto market and related activities in Europe. According a media report, an agreement on the key legislation is likely to be reached as early as this month. Deal on EU Crypto...

Na aktivity Warner Bros. Discovery v Česku dohlédne nový ředitel

Mediální gigant Warner Bros. Discovery oznámil manažerské změny ve své evropské struktuře. Novým generálním ředitelem pro střední Evropu se stal Jamie Cooke. Na starosti má kromě naší oblasti také všechny východoevropské země, Pobaltí, Blízký východ, Středomoří a Turecko. V německy mluvících zemích...

Citigroup CEO: Europe More Likely to Head Into Recession Than US

Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser warns that a recession is more likely in Europe than in the U.S. Nonetheless, she stressed that it is not easy for the U.S. to avoid a recession. Citigroup’s CEO on Global Recession Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser warned about the health of the global economy Friday...

Study Shows the United States Is Home to 41% of the NFT Companies Worldwide

According to a study called “A World of NFT Adoption” published by, the United States has the most non-fungible token (NFT) company headquarters in the world. While the U.S. captures more than 41% of the NFT companies worldwide, the second largest number of NFT startup...

AstridDAO Enters Microsoft Startup Program for Better Business

The ‘Big Tech’ firm Microsoft has recently extended support to AstridDAO. The decentralized money market will be enrolled in the Microsoft for Startups program. This emerging project hopes to leverage the expertise and resources of this tech giant to accelerate its market influence...

Cyprus Drafts Crypto Rules, May Introduce Them Before EU Regulations

Cyprus has prepared its own legislation to regulate crypto assets and is likely to adopt it before Europe finalizes a common regulatory framework, a government official has indicated. The authorities in Nicosia welcome the “careful” use of cryptocurrencies, he added. Government...

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