Bitcoin Activity on the Dark Web Grew by 65% in Q1 2020, Says Study
Crystal Blockchain Analytics unveiled figures that show an increased value of Bitcoin transferred through the dark web, though the amount of Bitcoin was less
User agents
Jeremy beating the classic drum:
For web development, start with HTML, then CSS, then JavaScript (and don’t move on to JavaScript too quickly—really get to grips with HTML and CSS first).
And then…
That’s assuming you want to be a good well-rounded web developer. But it might be that...
Inspirational Websites Roundup #15
A new roundup that consists of a special collection of the latest web design trends and inspiration.
Inspirational Websites Roundup #15 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Notion-Powered Websites
I’m a big fan of Notion, as you likely know from previous coverage and recent video. It’s always interesting to see what other people do with Notion, and even how Notion uses Notion.
I’d say most usage of Notion is private and internal, but any page on Notion can be totally...
Online Together
(This is a sponsored post.)
An Event Apart: Online Together is a single-day online conference with an intense focus on digital design, UX, content, code, and more, giving you deep insights into where we are now and where things are going next.
AEA! With a brand new online version of their...
Pseudo-elements in the Web Animations API
To use the Web Animations API (e.g. el.animate()) you need a reference to a DOM element to target. So, how do you use it on pseudo-elements, which don’t really offer a direct reference? Dan Wilson covers a (newish?) part of the API itself:
const logo...
Free SSL Certificates with ZeroSSL (Sponsored)
During my early years in web development, one of the most costly and annoying tasks was securing and installing security certificates on client websites. Most providers charged hundreds of dollars for SSL certs and getting them configured properly was a huge source of stress. Securing sites is much...
[článek] Web CNN Prima News: Sázka na jistotu
[7 minut čtení] Prima chce web CNN Prima News dostat mezi největší zpravodajské weby v Česku. Jak se jí povedl a má šanci uspět? Do českého mediálního rybníčku přibyla zpravodajská stanice CNN Prima News a mediální analytici se vyjadřují k jejímu vizuálu, programové skladbě i personální výbavě
CSS Animation Timelines: Building a Rube Goldberg Machine
If you’re going to build a multi-step CSS animation or transition, you have a particular conundrum. The second step needs a delay that is equal to the duration of the first step. And the third step is equal to the duration of the first two steps, plus any delay in between. It gets more...
10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for May 2020
A collection of our favorite web dev resources for the month of May, featuring useful JS tools, React components, and more!
[aktualita] DVTV vybírá peníze na DVTV Extra - rozhovory bez reklam, podcasty a nový web
Nechceme dělat kompromisy, potřebujeme vaši pomoc, píše na crowdfundingovém serveru HitHit televize DVTV. Projekt týmu kolem moderátorů Daniely Drtinové, Emmy Smetana a Martina Veselovského na platformě vybírá peníze na novinky, které chce svým divákům přinést. Placený balíček DVTV Extra...
Rychlejší a s tmavým režimem. Facebook spouští nový web
„Facebook za 16 let od spuštění dospěl. Doplnili jsme nové funkce, optimalizovali jej pro nová zařízení i operační systémy a rozšířili jej do stovek jazyků. Donedávna jsme se zaměřovali na mobilní verzi a uvědomili si, že desktopový web je pozadu. Lidé ale potřebují, aby také držel krok,“ uvádí
Chromium lands Flexbox gap
I mentioned this the other day via Michelle Barker’s coverage, but here I’ll link to the official announcement. The main thing is that we’ll be getting gap with flexbox, which means:
.flex-parent {
display: flex;
gap: 1rem;
.flex-child {
flex: 1;
That’s excellent...
Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into the CSS Contain Property
Compared to the past, modern browsers have become really efficient at rendering the tangled web of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code a typical webpage provides. It takes a mere milliseconds to render the code we give it into something people can use.
What could we, as front-end developers, do...
Zcash Researchers Discover Criminals Are Laughably Unskilled at Using Crypto
Rand Corporation unveiled a study that found a widespread lack of knowledge towards Zcash from dark web criminals
9 Best Device Mockups for Your Web and Mobile App
What are the main graphical elements of a modern presentation? If you think it is beautiful fonts or stocks taken from the big online image retailers, then you are...
The post 9 Best Device Mockups for Your Web and Mobile App appeared first on Onextrapixel
Meet Ideaology – All in One Blockchain Solution
DUBAI, UAE, 8th May (Friday) Time: 10 AM New York, NY, USA (GMT-4) ‘MEET IDEAOLOGY’ webconference is looking for you The exclusive, pre-launch presentation for the top crypto people In an effort to make top-shelf blockchain partnerships before their Initial Coin Offering is launched, Ideaology...
How to Fix ESLint Errors Upon Save in VS Code
Two of the most prominent utilities in web development today are ESLint and Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code. I enjoy using both, and I love the integration between both tools, but warnings from ESLint inside Visual Studio Code aren’t fulfilling — I’d rather lint errors...
[článek] Největší cloud světa expanduje v ČR. Amazon Web Services najal první zaměstnance
[4 minuty čtení] Malý technický tým má podpořit pozici AWS vybudovanou zespoda a reagovat na investice Microsoftu v rámci Azure. Největší cloud světa Amazon Web Services (AWS) po letech pevného zakořeňování na českém trhu najal první tuzemské zaměstnance, kteří se mají starat o další posilování...
[aktualita] Česká CNN pozměnila večerní start vysílání. Od neděle funguje také její web
CNN Prima News před nedělním večerním startem oznámila změnu moderátorské dvojice, která provede diváky Hlavními zprávami v 18.55. Původně měli moderovat Markéta Dobiášová a Pavel Štrunc, ale kvůli premiéře dokumentu Pod rouškou, na němž se Dobiášová podílela, ji ve zprávách vedle Štrunce nahradí...