
Nalezeno "AI Boom": 262

2021’s NFT Boom Pushes Collectors Toward Rare and Older Collections

In 2021, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been extremely popular and have become a billion-dollar industry this year. There’s been a number of NFT marketplaces and collections that have seen a massive number of sales and individual digital collectibles have sold for millions. The NFT hype...

Cryptocurrency ATM Boom Comes to Colombia

While Colombia is not a country that has embraced cryptocurrencies compared to Venezuela or some African countries, it is the country with the second most cryptocurrency ATMs in the Latam region. The reason behind this could be that Colombia has a high percentage of cash usage. This makes...

‘Boom’ in Big South Korean Firms Investing in Crypto Startups

Large South Korean companies are pouring money into crypto and blockchain startups, media outlets have noted – while the nation’s market-leading crypto exchange is set to make a sports investment of its own. Per a report from Fn News, there has been a “boom” in crypto and decentralized finance...

Cryptocurrency Is Picking up Steam in Small Cities in India: Report

Cryptocurrency usage and trading are experiencing a boom in India, and most of this growth is coming from small cities. According to reports from local exchanges, the growth has been exponential. The profile of these new participants has also been interesting, as they are highly educated, not only...

Covidová pandemie nevyvolala baby boom, ale naopak pokles porodnosti

S covidovými lockdowny a množstvím času, jaké lidé trávili doma, se očekávalo zvýšení porodnosti • Nastal ale pravý opak. V sedmi ekonomicky vyspělých zemích porodnost významně poklesla • Česká republika si udržela porodnost na obvyklé úrovni

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