
Nalezeno "Accounting": 193

Bank of Russia Adds Digital Assets to Banking Chart of Accounts

Central Bank of Russia has introduced digital assets, including the digital version of the Russian ruble, to the recently published draft of the new banking chart of accounts. In the future, financial institutions will be able to provide data about operations with these assets. Russian Banks...

Tether's Former Auditor Fined $1M by SEC for Sloppy Accounting

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed and settled charges last week against Friedman LLP, the former auditing firm of stablecoin issuer Tether, finding “serial violations of the federal securities laws” and numerous instances of “improper professional conduct,” according to...

What Went Wrong That Led to the Binance Helium $22 Million Accounting Mishap

Four customers have unexpectedly received a total of almost $22 million in cryptocurrency, after the crypto-exchange erroneously credited holders of Helium's new MOBILE token with the more valuable helium (HNT) token instead. It appears that most of the mistakenly credited HNT has been...

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