Steem Community Plans Hostile Hard Fork to Flee Justin Sun’s Steemit
The blockchain for bloggers, Steem, is moving to, CoinDesk has learned. The hostile hard fork is scheduled for Friday
Hive Expands Ether Mining by 20%, Not Worried by Proof-of-Stake
Despite contention growing within the Ethereum community, Hive believes now is the best time for it to expand ETH mining operations
Hive Blockchain Lost 'Last Analyst'; Reports Record Income, Still Makes Loss
The first publicly listed blockchain infrastructure company, Hive Blockchain Technologies Ltd., reportedly lost the last analyst covering it, and the price of its shares is far from the early days of it going public. Meanwhile, the company reported an income increase of c. 84% in Q3, compared...
Argo Blockchain PLC Ceases Its Proposed Partnership with Hive Blockchain Technologies
Argo Blockchain PLC has come to a decision to stall its discussion with Hive Blockchain Infrastructure Ltd., a Canadian blockchain infrastructure group, over a proposed partnership. Argo has said that it had implemented a 16 million US Dollar investment program since it had signed heads of terms...
HIVE Enters into Strategic Alliance with Blockbase to Optimize its GPU Mining
HIVE Blockchain recently announced that it has entered into a strategic alliance with Blockbase Group DWC-LLC. As per the press release issued on the development, Blockbase would be the service provider for software and maintenance of HIVE’s mining projects in Sweden. Blockbase’s...
Startup Týdne #122: Thermosolar Hive řešící největší včelařský problém současnosti
Parazitický roztoč je celosvětově nejvýznamnějším zabijákem včel na světě. Včelaři proti němu běžně používají chemická léčiva, které se však ztrácí účinnost a selhávají. Jan Rája a Roman Linhart přitom přišli na způsob, jak jednoduše proti tomuto parazitovi bojovat – efektivněji a ekologičtěji....