
Nalezeno "buzz": 134

Neumorphism and CSS

Neumorphism (aka neomorphism) is a relatively new design trend and a term that’s gotten a good amount of buzz lately. It’s aesthetic is marked by minimal and real-looking UI that’s sort of a new take on skeuomorphism — hence the name. It got its name in a UX Collective post from December 2019,...

Why User Experience Is Crypto’s True ‘Killer App’

There’s been a lot of buzz in the space recently about the importance of user experience. Kim Dotcom’s proclamation that “Mass utility is going to lead to mass adoption,” speaks to this. Peter Schiff’s bitcoin wallet fiasco, CZ’s claim that centralized exchanges...

Wufoo Cracks the Code for Forms So You Don’t Have To

There was a lot of buzz about forms last week when Jason Grisby pointed to a missing pattern attribute on Chipotle's order form that could have been used to help-through millions of dollars in orders. Adrian Roselli followed that up with the common mistake of forgetting for and id attributes...

KuCoin Creates Buzz With The Launch of Its WAN Soft Staking Program

KuCoin, the global cryptocurrency exchange, has collaborated with a public blockchain network, Wanchain, to launch its highly-anticipated project, WAN Soft Staking Program. The WAN Soft Staking Program aims to bring substantial benefits to the users who own WAN on the respective platform. Based...

Brave Browser Creates Buzz by Making Wikipedia a Verified Publisher

Wikipedia, the ultimate source of information on the online arena, has joined hands with Brave browser to bring about a revolution in the advertising world. The most widely used and trusted website in the world, Wikipedia, has partnered with Brave browser to shine in its esteemed list of verified...

Can the Fed Kill Bitcoin? Navigating the Chokepoints of Tax Law and KYC

Taxes. The one word that can kill any buzz in seconds flat. Whether you’re a libertarian ranting about how taxation is theft or one of those fabled creatures who is actually happy to file them as their so-called civic duty, one fact remains: those who don’t give the government a bite...

What makes someone a good front-end developer?

We recently covered this exact same thing, but from the perspective of a bunch of developers. Chris Ferdinandi weighs in: The least important skills for a front-end developer to have are technical ones. The nuances of JavaScript. How to use a particular library, framework, or build tool. How...

Digging Into React Context

You may have wondered lately what all the buzz is about Context and what it might mean for you and your React sites. Before Context, when the management of state gets complicated beyond the functionality of setState, you likely had to make use of a third party library. Thanks to recent updates...

​Headless CMS: Fresh Air for Developers

(This is a sponsored post.) Your current CMS sucks! You know that for some time already but have not decided yet what your next solution should be. You've noticed all the buzz around headless CMS but you're still not sure what is in it for you and how it can solve all your woes. What is...

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