
Nalezeno "capcom": 370

2023 Already Has More Great Games Than 2022

2023 is barely halfway over and yet this year has already seenh great games coming out across nearly every platform. And upcoming releases are shaping up to be bangers, too. Read more

Street Fighter 6: The Kotaku Review

To say Capcom fumbled Street Fighter V is an understatement. SF5 launched in an incomplete state, going all-in on “esports” to the point that it shipped without even basic single-player modes, and the flat, offense-heavy combat came off so canned, so rote, that it almost felt turn-based. (Also,...

Sequel To Capcom's Beloved Action-RPG Will Have You Killing Dragons On PS5

In June of last year, Capcom made some people very happy when it announced that its cult classic action-RPG Dragon’s Dogma was getting a sequel. However, we hadn’t seen even a glimpse of the game itself, until now. The first gameplay reveal trailer for Dragon’s Dogma 2 left the Kotaku Slack...

Everything At Sony's Big Hour-Long PlayStation Showcase

Today, May 24, Sony held its first large-scale PlayStation Showcase since all the way back in September 2021. These events have tended to be bigger than Sony’s smaller-scale State of Play streams and this one was no exception, bringing a load of new trailers and reveals, including our first look...

Mortal Kombat Twitter Account Seemingly Teases Timeline Reset (Again)

On Wednesday, the official Mortal Kombat Twitter account uploaded a video teasing the latest entry in the gory fighting game series, Mortal Kombat 12. Although the trailer was quicker than a hiccup and didn’t showcase any of the game’s titular characters, it did tease that the game’s story would...

Gamers Are Memeing The Hell Out Of The King Charles Coronation

Charles Philip Arthur George, aka Charles III, was officially crowned the King of England on May 6. The coronation, which took place at the Westminster Abbey Anglican church in London, was expectedly gaudy and lavish, overflowing with enough gold and jewels to make you blind with all the incessant...

Street Fighter 6 Comic Confirms Ken Is A Crypto Bro, Bad Father

On Thursday, Capcom announced a four comic-book series leading up to the events of Street Fighter VI. Produced in partnership with Udon Comics, the series will catch eager players up on what their favorite fighters have been up to since Street Fighter V. The first of Street Fighter 6’s prequel...

Blanka’s Street Fighter 6 Intro Is Extra AF

Street Fighter 6 feels like a shot in the arm for Capcom’s long-running fighting series after Street Fighter V’s middling reception, and a lot of that comes down to how much personality it injects into every frame. One of the best examples of that we’ve seen so far is in the character intros that...

This Game Has The Best Depiction Of X-Men Women We’ve Ever Seen

Getting to play as Storm, Mistress of the Elements, is a highlight of any X-Men gaming experience, whether it be Konami’s classic arcade beat ‘em up, the beloved action-RPG X-Men: Legends, or as part of the Certified Gay trio of Storm, Rogue, and Psylocke in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. As a lover of...

25 Years Of Leon Kennedy's Evolution In Resident Evil

Resident Evil pretty boy Leon Scott Kennedy is arguably Italian-American, something around 5’10”, says admirably stupid things, and I, like many people, was endeared to him by the recent Resident Evil 4 remake. Read more

The Next Resident Evil Movie Goes All Out And Fans Are Into The Absurdity

Normally I wouldn’t get too excited about a Resident Evil film, as both the live-action and CG entries haven’t been great. But a new trailer for the upcoming Death Island looks too damn campy and fun to ignore. I mean, all your favorite Resident Evil heroes—like RE4’s Leon and RE3’s Jill—are back...

Here’s How To Get Infinite Ammo In The Resident Evil 4 Remake

Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 remake is bursting with secrets and unlockables, things like extreme weapon upgrades and hidden gems hanging over your head, waiting to be found and taken. But in the case of unlimited ammo (which has been a discoverable feature in RE4 since the original game released, it’s...

The Resident Evil 4 Community Is Obsessed With Ashley As A Cartoon Mouse

Capcom’s social media team has been hard at work churning out a cavalcade of fancams and thirst trap posts to generate buzz for the Resident Evil 4 remake. However, as is the case with most things, it’s work created by fans themselves that has more staying power than any corporate-generated meme...

The Best (And Worst) April Fools’ Jokes In Gaming For 2023

April Fool’s Day has finally come to add a little bit more chaos to the week, as jokes and lies fly around unrestricted. But we understand what April 1 is all about—a chance for developers to sneak in some humor in our favorite games. These April Fools’ jokes are getting a little more advanced...

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