
Nalezeno "child": 125

Using React Portals to Render Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy

Say we need to render a child element into a React application. Easy right? That child is mounted to the nearest DOM element and rendered inside of it as a result. render() { return ( <div> // Child to render inside of the div </div> ); } But! What if we want...

Stuff you can do with CSS pointer events

Martijn Cuppens (the same fella with the very weird div!) has some more irresistible CSS trickery. Three of the examples are about making a child element trigger an event on a parent element (almost like the magic that is :focus-within). Here's how I reasoned it out to myself: You know how if...

Remote Conferences; Bridging the Gap, Clearing the Odds

A few weeks back, I saw one of my esteemed mentors decry the psychological traumas he had experienced, following series and series of refusals at certain embassies. “A child concentrating hard at school” by Les Anderson on Unsplash You would think he went for a contract he did not have the capacity...

Vertically Centering with Flexbox

Vertically centering sibling child contents is a task we’ve long needed on the web but has always seemed way more difficult than it should be.  We initially used tables to accomplish the task, then moved on to CSS and JavaScript tricks because table layout was horribly inefficient —...

Child of Light, Humble Comics Bundle, Home Theater Gear, Vonnegut

One of my most anticipated games of the year, Child of Light, finally releases tomorrow. Amazon's been running a promo forever where digital pre-orders nab you $5 digital games credit, and since the game is out tomorrow, your window to grab that deal could get cut off at any time today....

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