
Nalezeno "facebook": 2219

Facebook přestane v Česku zobrazovat náhledy sdílených článků

Náhledy mediálních článků, které už zmizely ze služeb českého Googlu, se nebudou zobrazovat ani na Facebooku. Místo nich soiciální síť začne českým uživatelům zobrazovat jen titulky a prosté odkazy. Na změnu jako první upozornil server Mediaguru, tiskové oddělení firmy Meta, která Facebook...

The Biggest Gaming Disappointments Of 2022

Congrats everyone, you all made it through another awful pandemic year! 2022 is nearly at an end, meaning that it’s a good time to look back at all the terrible and disappointing shit that happened over the last 12 months. It’s enough to make me crave a distraction from it all, maybe even hop into...

Does WWW still belong in URLs?

For years, a small pedantry war has been raging in our address bars. In one corner are brands like Google, Instagram, and Facebook. This group has chosen to redirect to In the opposite corner: … Does WWW still belong in URLs? originally published on CSS-Tricks...

Facebook Says It Has Created A 'Human-Level' Board Game AI

Facebook, or as we’re supposed to call them now Meta, announced earlier today that their CICERO artificial intelligence has achieved “human-level performance” in the board game Diplomacy, which is notable for the fact that’s a game built on human interaction, not moves and manoeuvres (like,...

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