
Nalezeno "graph": 129

Creating a Gauge in React

You should really look at everything Amelia does, but I get extra excited about her interactive blog posts. Her latest about creating a gauge with SVG in React is unreal. Just the stuff about understanding viewBox is amazing and that’s like 10% of it. Don’t miss her earlier posts like...

How to Make a Line Chart With CSS

Line,  bar, and pie charts are the bread and butter of dashboards and are the basic components of any data visualization toolkit. Sure, you can use SVG or a JavaScript chart library like Chart.js or a complex tool like D3 to create those charts, but what if you don't want to load yet another...

Query JSON documents in the Terminal with GROQ

JSON documents are everywhere today, but they are rarely structured the way you want them to be. They often include too much data, have weirdly named fields, or place the data in unnecessary nested objects. Graph-Relational Object Queries (GROQ) is a query language (like SQL, but different) which...

Hey, let’s create a functional calendar app with the JAMstack

Hey, let's create a functional calendar app with the JAMstack I’ve always wondered how dynamic scheduling worked so I decided to do extensive research, learn new things, and write about the technical part of the journey. It’s only fair to warn you: everything I cover here is three weeks of research...

Creating a Bar Graph with CSS Grid

If you’re looking for more manageable ways to create bar graphs, or in search of use cases to practice CSS Grid layout, I got you! Before we begin working on the graph, I want to talk about coding the bars, when Grid is a good approach for graphs, and we’ll also cover some code choices you might...

​Build a realtime polling web app with Next.js

(This is a sponsored post.) Learn to build a webapp that accepts user votes, using Next.js and Chart.js. Users can vote for their favorite pet, and the results are displayed in realtime on a graph in their browser using Pusher Channels. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The post...

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