Grand Theft Auto V Looks Almost Photorealistic Thanks To Machine Learning
While we’ve seen loads of examples of AI making games look better over the last couple of years, I’ve never seen anything like this approach that’s able to take Grand Theft Auto V and through the power of magic make it look so damn real.Read more
TeraBlock Uses Machine Learning to Create a One-Stop Crypto Shop
Disclaimer: The Industry Talk section features insights by crypto industry players and is not a part of the editorial content of
TeraBlock is a cryptocurrency gateway that combines artificial intelligence and machine learning to create the ultimate user experience for beginners....
Protocol Hosting Google reCAPTCHA Competitor Expands to Polkadot
Human Protocol, home of the anti-bot hCaptcha system, announced it is expanding beyond Ethereum to a future Polkadot parachain, Moonbeam
Five Machine Learning Methods Crypto Traders Should Know About
Quantitative crypto finance has a wide array of machine learning techniques to call on. Here are five, explained for their characteristics
Expanding the Future (of Dev Tooling) with AI
Codota wants their tools to (at least!) double developer productivity. My vision is that we can do that not only by getting more developers using these tools, but in expanding where and how these tools learn themselves. The better the tools can *learn from us* what we're doing, the better *we...
What Is GPT-3 and Should We Be Terrified?
The internet is alive with demos of what the latest artificial intelligence language model can do. Should we be nervous?
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Clusters Cryptojacked to Mine Monero
Hackers have attacked badly configured machine learning clusters on Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing network, and hijacked them to mine Monero
Nomics Machine-Learning Tool Offers 7-Day Price Forecast on Top 100 Cryptos
Bitcoin and other crypto assets are getting a seven-day price forecast, thanks to machine-learning technology and data provider Nomics
Algorithmic Trading Strategies, Explained
Find out how algorithmic trading strategies can be used to squeeze the most out of every market move, and why they are becoming more popular with cryptocurrencies #Sponsored
The Algorithms That Control the Cryptocurrency Market
Algorithms are at the heart of 21st century life, invisibly controlling many of the systems we use and take for granted on a daily basis. Pervasive algorithms determine the entertainment we consume (Netflix, Spotify), the information we read (Google), and the chatter we hear (Facebook, Twitter)....
Machine Learning Prague se spojuje s AI Awards
Na letošní konferenci o strojovém učení Machine Learning Prague 2020 proběhne vyhlášení AI Awards, ocenění úspěšných odborníků a firem, kteří určují směr celosvětového trendu vývoje technologií umělé inteligence
UNICOM Brings to You Financial Evolution – AI, Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis
Financial Evolution: AI, Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis, organized by UNICOM, is a conference that is held globally on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Finance wherein distinguished speakers from across the globe share their experiences and insights in this field. UNICOM...
UNICOM Brings to You Financial Evolution – AI, Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis
Financial Evolution: AI, Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis, organized by UNICOM, is a conference that is held globally on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Finance wherein distinguished speakers from across the globe share their experiences and insights in this field. UNICOM...
We are Programmers
Building websites is programming. Writing HTML and CSS is programming. I am a programmer, and if you're here, reading CSS-Tricks, chances are you're a programmer, too.
The thing is, the details in programming layout with CSS are different, for example, than the details in programming API endpoints...
V Praze se koná největší konference o strojovém učení v Evropě. Na Machine Learning Prague vystoupí odborníci z NASA, Microsoftu i izraelské armády
Konference Machine Learning Prague je největší evropskou událostí o praktickém využití umělé inteligence a strojového učení a přitahuje do Prahy kapacity z celého světa
NEO Announces Partnership With Augmented Reality Company Vibe
NEO Token has entered into a partnership with video-based augmented reality company Viber, as per an announcement jointly made by Viber and NEO a blog post on Medium. Vibe creates video-based holographic images for AR/VR games. Starting from as early as September, users will be able to play...
Microsoft to Utilize Ethereum For Incentivizing Development of Machine Learning Models
Technology giant Microsoft will be using Ethereum Blockchain to incentivize those contributors, who contribute towards the development of the machine learning models. As per an official blog post was written by Senior Software Development Engineer at Microsoft, Justin Harris, the company, want...
Cortex Launches Deep Learning and AI Network for Decentralized Apps
Cortex has launched a network for decentralized apps powered by artificial intelligence
Machine Learning Prague: Nejzajímavější myšlenky z konference o strojovém učení
Největší konference ve střední Evropě o strojovém učení Machine Learning Prague sdružila tento víkend největší mozky v tomto oboru. V nádherném prostoru pražského Rudolfina se sjelo 1000 nadšenců z více než 35 různých zemí. Konference začala minulý pátek 8 workshopy pro 200 lidí, které vedli...
Web<element> – první vydání fullstack konference
Jak to vlastně je s těmi full-stack vývojáři? Existují? Nebo jsou to jen urban legends? Ale víte co? Je to jedno. Ale co taková konfrence, která bude mít široký přesah? Tak na to odpověd máme v podobě prvního webelementu