
Nalezeno "shepard": 158

Every Single-Player Final Fantasy Game, Ranked From Worst To Best

The Final Fantasy series has become synonymous with experimentation and continual reinvention, with each entry taking you to a new world with new characters, new systems, and new experiences. As such, it’s not uncommon to ask a bunch of fans for their favorite and get as many different answers....

8 Games To Play This Weekend

The week is over. Juneteenth is almost here. Let’s all breathe a sigh of relief and focus on the important things: What games will you be playing this weekend? Maybe we can give you some ideas.Read more

BioWare Pulls Mass Effect Statue After Everyone WTFs

Earlier today BioWare announced a new piece of merch for Mass Effect fans: a statue of Commander Shepard from the opening of Mass Effect 2, where if you need reminding they are found dead and floating in space. The statue was accompanied by a slightly odd press release, and the combination of...

BioWare Is Selling That Framed Photo Of Tali From Mass Effect

Remember when the gamers were upset about the OG Mass Effect 3 using a stock photo of an attractive human woman to reveal what fan-favorite Quarian Tali looks like unmasked? Well, apparently developer BioWare wants you to forget about all that because, alongside patching Tali’s portrait into...

16+ Stellar Games To Play Before Starfield

Starfield, the highly anticipated science-fiction RPG from Bethesda is nearly upon us. While September 6 is not that far off, for sci-fi fans, and folks who appreciate a Bethesda romp, the it’s been a painful wait since the game’s first announcement back in 2018.Read more

Raketa New Shepard je kvůli vyšetřování poruchy už šest měsíců na zemi

Společnost Blue Origin minulý týden připustila, že posledních šest měsíců strávila vyšetřováním incidentu, při němž došlo k selhání suborbitální rakety New Shepard – a stále neskončila. „Nyní tuto anomálii a její příčinu vyšetřujeme,“ řekl Gary Lai z Blue Origin na Next-Generation Suborbital

Kenneth Shepard's Top Five Games Of 2022

When it comes time to write these year-end lists, I usually slim them down to my top five favorite games I played because, despite what this job entails, I usually only have passionate feelings about a handful of games by the time we reach December.Read more

The Best Gaming Merch of 2022 You Can Actually Show Off

Video game merch is rarely cool. You’d be hard-pressed to find wearable merch worthy of any place other than the gym, or household items you could display in a midcentury modern living room. It’s also rarely inspired or unique—my cabinet is full of slightly chipped Call of Duty coffee mugs,...

Welcome To Kentaku

Oh, hi. I didn’t see you there. I’m Kenneth Shepard, Kotaku’s new staff writer.Read more

Mass Effect Fans Scramble To Decipher Next Game's New Teaser

Why release a new Mass Effect trailer when you can just send fans spiraling down the conspiracy hole with a brief tease instead? BioWare released its latest salvo of clues for the upcoming sci-fi RPG today, including ambient video of a new mass relay, giant space stations that shoot ships around...

Jennifer Hale Speaks Out On Replacing Bayonetta’s Original Voice Actor

Renowned voice actor Jennifer Hale, known for her role as Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect series and the new voice of action character Bayonetta, released a statement in response to the discourse following Bayonetta’s former voice actress claiming she wasn’t offered a living wage...

The Best And Worst Parts Of Every Mass Effect Game

It’s hard to hear the name BioWare without conjuring up some image from Mass Effect, its groundbreaking series of sci-fi RPGs. Mass Effect was pretty damn good. Whether you were in it for its smoochable aliens, expansive world building, or its choice-driven gameplay, Mass Effect had a little bit...

The 14 Best Games For The Xbox One

The Xbox Series X is more or less a suped-up Xbox One, so if you’ve had trouble getting your hands on the newer machine, don’t fret. In fact, given the absence of next-gen launch exclusives, most of the best games you could play on the thing are Xbox One games, anyway. Over its seven years...

Everyone Makes The Same Choices In Mass Effect, Apparently

Mass Effect is contingent on choice—or at least the illusion of it. Turns out, in playing (or replaying) Mass Effect Legendary Edition, a lot of you who played the remastered trilogy made pretty much the same decisions. That’s according to an infographic BioWare posted on Twitter today.Read more

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gets A First-Person Mod

Have you ever looked at Mass Effect? Like, really looked at it? Have you studied every crag in Wrex’s face? Stared Kaidan and Ashley right in the eyes while wondering why you couldn’t leave both of them behind on Virmire? Watched the fish in Shepard’s cabin swim for 80+ hours? Well now you can...

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