
Nalezeno "t puzzle": 142

Lumines: Electronic Symphony Was Almost Daft Punk Lumines

Daft Punk, the famed French electronic music duo formed in 1993, has broken up. While many of their fans are obviously upset by the news, Q Entertainment producer (and ex-game journalist) James Mielke took the opportunity to share his own fond memories of the musicians, explaining that they were...

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

The weekend is for angling the monitor away from prying eyes while you attempt to use the power of gem-matching to get snarky anime women to agree to participate in group sex. That, or maybe playing Animal Crossing. Read more

The Room 4: Old Sins Is Out For PC, And Prettier Than Ever

Long before you kids in your short pants and fashionable haircuts were escaping escape rooms, there was one developer far ahead of that curve. In 2012, Fireproof Games released their first game in their The Room series of puzzle games. Last week they just released The Room 4: Old Sins on PC,...

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

The weekend is for getting together with the family for a nice meal, preferably without being stuffed and posed around the table by a deranged maniac. It’s also for having some little nightmares, as a treat. Read more

10 Can't-Miss Free Demos From the Steam Game Festival

We’re less than 24 hours from this year’s Steam Game Festival, a week-long event showcasing new and upcoming PC games available on the Steam store. There will be Q&A events with developers, live streams to watch, and hundreds of free demos to play.Read more

Tetris On CD-i Plays Like Crap But Sounds Like John Tesh

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today we look back to 1992, when, according to Philips, a classic became a legend. You can call it...Teshtris.Read more

Chystá se třetí díl skvělého Puzzle Questu, bude free 2 play

Téměř po deseti letech od druhého dílu se mohou fanoušci série Puzzle Quest těšit na další plnohodnotný díl. Jedinou vadou na kráse nečekaného oznámení je fakt, že autoři mění distribuční model a chystají se vydělávat na mikrotransakcích

505 Games Announces Puzzle Quest 3, Coming Out This Year

Earlier this month, publisher 505 Games acquired Infinity Plus Two, the Australian studio that created the hybrid match-three/RPG series Puzzle Quest. This morning 505 Games announces Puzzle Quest 3, a free-to-play sequel that takes place 500 years after the original. Read more

Sliding puzzle - skládání kostiček

V rámci procvičování na CodingGame jsem narazil na problém, do jehož řešení jsem dost zabředl. Jedná se o řešení hry Sliding Puzzle, tedy skládání kostiček do správného pořadí s využitím jednoho prázdného místa. Toto je zadání úkolu Vlastní bádání nad problémem bylo dost zábavné, proto bych se...

Puzzles and Mysteries

Bob Hoffman: Puzzles, [Malcom Gladwell] wrote, are problems for which there is not enough information. An example of a puzzle: Where is Jimmy Hoffa buried? If we had more information, we would know the answer. If someone told us “Jimmy Hoffa is buried in New Jersey,” we’d know a little more than...

The Puzzle Of Satoshi Nakamoto – Mystery Behind The Bitcoin Creator

Satoshi Nakamoto. The name revered by every one of those who have heard the words Bitcoin and Blockchain. A name which holds immense power, a name with which billions of dollars is associated — the name without a face, the name wanted by thousands of faces. It’s been over a decade since the first...

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