
Nalezeno "transform": 167

Nexxyo Labs Set to Transform the DeFi Landscape with BambooDeFi

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by After months of careful preparation, BambooDeFi is now ready to introduce its advanced suite of features to the DeFi arena. BambooDeFi, the DeFi project by blockchain developers at Nexxyo Labs, took a major step...

Re-Creating the Porky Pig Animation from Looney Tunes in CSS

You know, Porky Pig coming out of those red rings announcing the end of a Looney Tunes cartoon. We’ll get there, but first we need to cover some CSS concepts. Everything in CSS is a box, or rectangle. Rectangles … The post Re-Creating the Porky Pig Animation from Looney Tunes in CSS appeared...

CSS Individual Transform Properties in Safari Technology Preview

The WebKit blog details how to use individual CSS Transform properties in the latest version of Safari Technology Preview. This brings the browser in line with the CSS Transforms Module Level 2 spec, which breaks out the translate(), … The post CSS Individual Transform Properties in Safari...

EcoChain’s Capital Logic Will Transform the DeFi Ecosystem

Decentralized finance(DeFi) has taken the blockchain network by a storm and is now arguably the most discussed topic. Although it has been a roller coaster ride, the DeFi network has grown enormously in size and number. Today, the total value locked in DeFi contracts is more than $11b. Forex Market...

Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, gosh, self, I wish I could have an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of this CSS selector, Lea has your back. If you’ve ever thought that same thing for an entire CSS file, that’s what PostCSS is, which has gone v8. PostCSS doesn’t do anything...

How CSS Perspective Works

As someone who loves creating CSS animations, one of the more powerful tools I use is perspective. While the perspective property is not capable of 3D effects all by itself (since basic shapes can’t have depth), you can use the transform property to move and rotate objects in a 3D space (with...

Warp SVG Online

The warping is certainly the cool part here. Some fancy math literally transforms the path data to do the warping. But the UX detail work here is just as nice. Scrolling the page zooms in and out via a transform: scale() on the SVG wrapper (clever!). Likewise, holding the spacebar lets you...

UTE Joins Energy Web to Transform Energy Sector with Blockchain

In its efforts to become a global leader in digital innovation and rapid energy-sector decarbonization, Uruguay’s grid operator Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas (UTE) has announced its partnership with Energy Web (EW). The partnership will allow UTE to leverage...

The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS

This was always my favorite thing in Mad magazine. One page (the inside of the back cover, I think) was covered in a zany illustration. You folded that page in thirds, covering up the middle-third of that image, and a new image would form because the illustration was designed to perfectly line...

Turning a Fixed-Size Object into a Responsive Element

I was in a situation recently where I wanted to show an iPhone on a website. I wanted users to be able to interact with an application demo on this “mock” phone, so it had to be rendered in CSS, not an image. I found a great library called marvelapp/devices.css. The library implemented the device...

Different Approaches to Responsive CSS Motion Path

As a follow-up to Jhey’s recent post on responsive motion paths, Michelle Barker notes that another approach could be to just transform: scale() the whole dang element. The trade-off there is that you’re scaling both the path and the element on the path at the same time; Jhey’s...

How to Re-Create a Nifty Netflix Animation in CSS

The design for Netflix’s browse page has remained pretty similar for a few years now. One mainstay component is the preview slider that allows users to scroll through content and hover on items to see a preview. One unique characteristic of the UI is its hover behavior. When a show preview...

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