
Nalezeno "vladimir": 185

Putin Warns Cryptocurrencies Carry Risks, Admits They May Have Future

Russian President Vladimir Putin has again spoken about cryptocurrencies, noting the “high risks” associated with the virtual assets. However, the Russian leader has also acknowledged that digital currencies may have a future and it’s necessary to follow their development....

Kam s prázdným tonerem? A proč by vám na tom mělo záležet?

O ekologické likvidaci tonerových kazet se u nás prakticky nemluví. Ročně se přitom do České republiky přivezou 2 miliony tonerových kazet, které celkem váží asi 2 tisíce tun. Velká část z nich skončí na skládkách. Přístup státních institucí ani současná legislativa situaci nezlepšují. Proto...

Mister DeepFuckingValue Goes To Washington

History was made today when Reddit user DeepFuckingValue, who goes by Roaring Kitty on YouTube, opened his Congressional testimony in a hearing about GameStop stock by specifying, for the literal record, that he is not actually a cat.Read more

Even The Justice Department Is Looking Into The GameStop Stock Fiasco

While the dust starts to settle around GameStop’s meme stock phenomenon, investigations into the hedge funds, trading platforms, and the Reddit community that fueled it are just getting started. Many people have already lost a lot of money, but even more could be on the line if lawmakers...

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