
Nalezeno "wonder": 135

Hamburger ☰ Heaven

A pleasant little romp through iconography and culture from Sophia Lucero. The "hamburger" menu icon we're familiar with now is really a sign from Taoist cosmology. Besides ☰, which represents heaven 天, we have ☱ for lake/marsh 澤, ☲ for fire 火, ☳ for thunder 雷, ☴ for wind 風, ☵ for water 水,...

MARKETS DAILY: China Picking Winners While Traders Wonder

This time we're talking winners and losers in China's increasingly top-down crypto industry, the implications behind former CFTC chairman Giancarlo's just-announced move to white-shoe law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher, and more

4 Cryptocurrency Projects That Successfully Changed Chains

Choosing the right blockchain is a tough call for any development team. It’s a decision that entails correctly anticipating project requirements – scalability; speed; community; security – before a line of code has even been written. It’s no wonder that a project...

Let’s Give Grunt Tasks the Marie Kondo Organization Treatment

We live in an era of webpack and npm scripts. Good or bad, they took the lead for bundling and task running, along with bits of Rollup, JSPM and Gulp. But let's face it. Some of your older projects are still using good ol' Grunt. While it no longer glimmers as brightly, it does the job well...

Which CSS IS AWESOME makes the most sense if you don’t know CSS well?

Peter-Paul posted this question: Which of the examples in the image do you consider correct? If you know CSS well, don't reply, just retweet. If you don't know CSS too well, please reply to the poll in the next tweet. — ppk 🇪🇺 (@ppk) June...

Which CSS IS AWESOME makes the most sense if you don’t know CSS well?

Peter-Paul posted this question: Which of the examples in the image do you consider correct? If you know CSS well, don't reply, just retweet. If you don't know CSS too well, please reply to the poll in the next tweet. — ppk 🇪🇺 (@ppk) June...

Reducing motion with the picture element

Here’s a bonafide CSS/HTML trick from Brad Frost and Dave Rupert where they use the <picture> element to switch out a GIF file with an image if the user has reduced motion enabled. This is how Brad goes about implementing that: <picture> <!-- This image will be loaded if...

Who is @horse_js?

Many of us follow @horse_js on Twitter. Twenty-one thousand of us, to be exact. That horse loves stirring up mischief by taking people's statements out of context. It happened to me a few times and almost got me in trouble. I wonder how many people hate CSS because their experience with...

In Defense of Utility-First CSS

A rather full-throated argument (or rather, response to arguments against) utility (atomic) CSS from Sarah Dayan. I wondered recently if redesigns were potentially a weakness of these types of systems (an awful lot of tearing down classes) which Sarah acknowledges and recommends more abstraction...

Building “Renderless” Vue Components

There's this popular analogy of Vue that goes like this: Vue is what you get when React and Angular come together and make a baby. I've always shared this feeling. With Vue’s small learning curve, it's no wonder so many people love it. Since Vue tries to give the developer power over components...

Just a Couple’a Fun Typography Links

Marcin Wichary made an incredible demo exploring "segmented type" as in, the kind you might see on a display like a microwave, but scaling up in complexity from there. "Datalegreya is a typeface which can interweave data curves with text." Airbnb commissions their own new font, Cereal (complete...

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