Wind-Breaking NFTs: Reality Star Who Made $200K Selling Farts in Mason Jars Launches NFT Collection
Just recently the reality star, American Youtuber, and Tiktoker Stephanie Matto made international headlines after raising $200K from selling her farts contained in mason jars online. After Matto had to go to the hospital and after a doctor told her the farting idea was causing her to...
The Year In Gaming Apologies
Video games had a lot to be sorry for in 2021, from the usual screenshot apologies over delays and busted launches, to things that actually matter like years of reported workplace abuse. Don’t worry though, everyone’s trying to do better.Read more
YouTuber Hit With 150 Copyright Claims For Reviews Featuring Anime Footage
YouTuber Mark Fitzpatrick of Totally Not Mark has made a name for himself with his anime videos on YouTube. His reviews edit together montages from the anime he’s reviewing as he expounds his thoughts in voice over. Mark says his use of copyright material is fair. Toei Animation, it seems...
Japan's Biggest YouTuber Bought The $10,000 Gucci Xbox
With over 10 million subscribers, Hikakin is Japan’s biggest YouTuber. I’m not sure which is more amazing—that he bought the Gucci Xbox or an Xbox. Japan has long been a tough market for Microsoft, but recently this has been changing. And now, Japan’s biggest YouTuber has purchased the super...
Roblox Sues YouTuber For $1.6 Million Over Terrorizing Kids Platform
Roblox is finally taking notorious YouTuber Benjamin “Ruben Sim” Simon to court over his alleged attacks on the gaming social media platform and its young fans. A lawsuit filed in California court on Tuesday wants the longtime banned player to pay $1.6 million in damages and stop harassing Roblox...
Dune’s Timothée Chalamet Was Once An Xbox YouTuber
Timothée Chalamet: Hollywood superstar, GQ cover model, and...former gaming YouTuber? Yes, more than a decade ago, the Dune actor used to operate a YouTube channel under the handle ModdedController360, where he showed off custom paint jobs of Xbox 360 controllers.Read more
Jezdí po světě na praseti z Minecraftu, říká mu Hamborghini
Youtuber Electo vyrobil pojízdný model prasátka z populární hry Minecraft a k nemalému pobavení diváků s ním vyrazil ven. Než došlo k jeho nevyhnutelnému rozpadu, dokázal s ním překonat i rychlost 30 km v hodině
Journalist and Youtuber Tim Pool Believes 1 Bitcoin Will ‘Eventually Be Equivalent to $1 Million’
The American journalist, Youtuber, podcast host, and political commentator, Tim Pool, has talked about bitcoin on numerous occasions and even more so these days as the crypto asset crossed its all-time price high. After the Proshares exchange-traded fund (ETF) launched on the New York Stock...
YouTuber Valkyrae Under Fire Over Skin Care Line
After streamer Valkyrae’s skincare line RFLCT drew criticism for its promises to help offset the negative effects of computer light,” the YouTube has issued a statement. Yesterday, Valkyrae posted a voice note acknowledging the pushback and promised to answer questions in a future stream.Read more
Slow and steady is path to crypto riches says YouTube star
YouTuber trades Tesla Roadster for NFT
“Looking back on this in one year, two year, three years from now it could be a monumentally dumb decision but it also could be a great decision,” said Dan Markham
Na Maker Fairu zahraje youtuber Nicolas Bras. Nástroje si sám vyrábí z harampádí
Už o nadcházejícím víkendu (11. a 12. září) otevře své brány Maker Faire a pořadatelé i na poslední chvíli přidávají další lákadla. Jedním z nich bude Nicolas Bras, hudebník a kutil v jedné osobě, který své vlastní nástroje vyrábí z kovového odpadu, instalatérských trubek a dalších
VTuber Explains Twitch Protest To Fox News, Does Great
As we’ve covered, yesterday thousands of streamers took the day off on Twitch to protest the site’s ongoing facilitation of harassment campaigns known as hate raids. And while regular readers of video game websites would have been armed with a lot of information going into the day, viewers of...
[aktualita] Youtuber Stanislav Hruška spustil internetovou televizi Talk TV
Od září začala fungovat nová česká platforma Talk TV. Projekt youtubera Stanislava Hrušky nabízí za měsíční předplatné přístup k tvorbě několika autorů bez reklam a komerčních spoluprací. Za paušál ve výši 159 korun mohou diváci sledovat pořady o vědě, cestování nebo videohrách. Kromě zakladatele...
YouTuber Accuses Million-Dollar Retro Game Sales Of Being Scams
Vintage video games, like factory-sealed copies of The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System, have suddenly started selling for eye-popping prices, and a new video documentary claims potential fraud could be a big part of the reason why. It effectively charges...
Alex Saunders again under fire after virtual HQ in Decentraland fails to launch
Controversial crypto influencer Alex Saunders is making headlines again, with followers claiming he raised $57,000 in NFT from them to launch a virtual community headquarters that hasn’t materialized
Youtube Superstar KSI ‘JJ’ Says ‘I’m Really Into Crypto, Bitcoin Is the Future’
Youtube superstar and rapper KSI, also known as JJ, says he is “really into crypto.” Emphasizing that “Bitcoin is the future,” he said a lot of people do not understand that crypto “is a long-haul thing.” KSI Is ‘Really Into Crypto’ Famed rapper...
Youtuber dohrál nejtěžší hru posledních let poslepu. Jen za 5 hodin
Dohrát samurajskou akci Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice se podaří jen těm nejlepším, většina hráčů to vzdá daleko před koncem. Youtuber Micthriz hrou ovšem proletěl se zavázanýma očima a v rekordním čase
YouTuber accused of engineering multi-million pump n dump via Uniswap
The YouTuber denied accusations he has rug-pulled on his followers while asserting that Million token is a “social project” that “should not be considered an investment.”
Pojede vozidlo poháněné větrem rychleji než vítr? Youtuber a fyzik se vsadili o 10 tisíc dolarů
Může se objekt poháněný větrem pohybovat rychleji než vítr? • Youtuber Muller tvrdí, že ano. Fyzik Kusenko, že nikoli • Uzavřeli proto sázku o deset tisíc dolarů. Jak to dopadne?