
Nalezeno "India": 1501

Indian Government’s New Report Views Crypto Positively

A new Indian government report has put cryptocurrency in a positive light, viewing the mechanisms surrounding it, including initial coin offerings, as “revolutionizing the global fintech landscape.” The report also discusses the regulation of coins and tokens. Also read: Indian...

Indian Exchanges Innovate as Calls for Positive Crypto Regulation Escalate

Indian crypto exchanges are innovating, launching new products and improving services for their users, despite the country’s regulatory uncertainty and unresolved banking restrictions. Meanwhile, the Indian crypto community continues its efforts to convince the government that the draft bill...

Nomura and Nomura Research Announce a New Joint Venture Boostry

Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI) announced that they have established “Nvantage India Private Limited” (NVANTAGE), a joint venture between NRI and Nomura Holdings, Inc. Nomura is one of the prime providers of business consulting and system services. Nomura has a net revenue of more than...

Kedaara Capital Considering Investment in Indian Eyewear Startup Lenskart

The Indian startup space has grown at a breakneck pace over the past decade or so, and a handful of companies have come up that have grown into high growth unicorns. Those firms are involved in a range of businesses, and there is a hope that more startups will eventually join that coveted club....

Goldman Sachs States That There is More Pain in Store for Indian Economy

The global economy is currently in the middle of turmoil due to a wide range of factors. Two of the world’s biggest economies, the United States and China, are locked in a bruising trade war, while Europe’s biggest economy, Germany has experienced a downturn. However, among all that it is perhaps...

Crypto Can Boost Indian Economy – How Banning Will Hurt it

The Indian economy is experiencing severe economic slowdown not seen in many years, and cryptocurrency can potentially help. However, the government is considering a draft bill to ban cryptocurrencies, which could have undesirable consequences on the economy. Meanwhile, the Indian crypto community...

After United States, India May Ban MacBook Pro from Flights in Country

One thing that airline regulators take very seriously is anything that could even remotely put a flight in danger and usually, they move swiftly to tackle the source of the problem. Earlier this year it emerged that Apple had decided to replace the batteries in MacBook Pro laptops that had been...

E-Commerce Giant Amazon Opens Its Biggest Campus in Hyderabad

Amazon started more than two decades ago as an online bookstore but over the years the company managed to turn the e-commerce industry on its head to become one of the most valuable companies in the world. Nowadays it does billion of dollars in business and has huge operations all across the world....

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