Crypto Must Embrace the Fringe to Win Over the Mainstream
Leaders should ask who is under-served by the current financial system and how blockchain addresses those needs
With So Much Debt Around, Investors Need Bitcoin As a Reflation Hedge
Market prices don't reflect rational decisions and central banks can hardly manage inflation. That's where bitcoin comes in
The Central Bank Business Model Is Under Attack
Libra spurred central banks into action on digital currency projects this year
Charlie Shrem: What I Still Love About Crypto
A early pioneer in the crypto space reflects on the past year
How Decentralized Tech Can End the Privacy Crisis in 2020
If we’re not careful, blockchain will be remembered for perfecting the surveillance economy
James Ferguson on Decentralized Gaming’s Next Moves
James Ferguson, CEO of Immutable, doesn't think all games need to be on the blockchain, but it wouldn't hurt if they were decentralized
Is Blockchain the Shot in the Arm Healthcare Needs?
Alex Cahana asks whether blockchain can make the medicine go down, in looking for solutions to today's healthcare industry
Mind-Bending Narrative Shifts in 2019
When it comes to crypto, narrative shifts represent shifts in mindshare. The most significant narrative of 2019? Digital currency wars
The Year of the Patient Builder and the Persistent Bully
Trent Larson, Principal Software Developer for Medici Ventures, thinks regulators should let the builders build
It’s Not Just the Money, It’s the People in Bitcoin: Anil Lulla
Credible brands are making long-term investments in this technology, says Anil Lulla, co-founder of Delphi Digital, a research boutique
A Year of Careful, Prosaic, BUIDLing
The debate isn't bitcoin or blockchain, it's about separating real ROIs from the noise-makers, says the executive director of Hyperledger
10 Events to Look Out for in 2020
The halving. Central bank currencies. Telegram vs the SEC. There's lots to look forward to in 2020. CoinDesk's research team previews
As We Hunger for Viability, Let’s Stay True to Our Values
Sometimes we are so in fear of external attack that we risk morphing into something technically the same but fundamentally different
Jake Chervinsky: I’m Surprised There Haven’t Been More Enforcement Actions This Year
Chervinsky, counsel at Compound, discusses crypto's regulatory issues and growing pains
What Bitcoin Means for Athletes Like Me
To Russell Okung, the Los Angeles Chargers' left tackle, bitcoin means economic sovereignty and self-empowerment
We Made No Progress, Other Than All the Progress We Made
Billions have gone into making the distribution of financial products easier. Nothing real has changed in the making of financial instruments, until now, says ConsenSys' Lex Sokolin
This Year’s Top Ten Crypto Narratives
From “The Revolution Needs Rules” to “Unbank the Banked,” 2019 was full of resonant phrases. Selkis, CEO of Messari, makes sense of them
Blockchain Projects Work Better When Everyone Collaborates
To reach its potential, blockchain needs to support inclusion and avoid power consolidation, says the head of blockchain at the World Economic Forum
Musicians Want to Break Free of Big Tech
Decentralized platforms are the best means to solve equity problems in creative industries
Bitcoin Has Got Society to Think About the Nature of Money
2020 may be the year we see the value of infrastructure built in response to bitcoin and the energy around blockchain