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Awesome Demos Roundup #15

A fresh collection of the most intriguing coding experiments from around the web. Awesome Demos Roundup #15 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

A Bright Side to the Dark Web

The dark web typically conjures up thoughts of criminal activity. While there are undoubtedly unsavory characters leveraging the darknet for illegal pursuits, there are also virtuous uses of the “hidden internet.” As reported, per data from blockchain analytics provider Chainalysis, over USD...

How to Add Native Keyword Aliases to Babel

Those of you who follow this blog know that not every blog post is an endorsement of a technique but simply a tutorial how to accomplish something.  Sometimes the technique described is probably not something you should do.  This is one of those blog posts. The Babel parser is an essential tool...

JavaScript Picture-in-Picture API

As a huge fan of media on the web, I’m always excited about enhancements to how we can control our media. Maybe I get excited about simple things like the <video> tag and its associated elements and attributes because media on the web started with custom codecs, browser extensions,...

Developer Launches Noncustodial Bitcoin Cash-Powered Authorization Platform

Seven days ago, a crypto software developer announced a new web service called, which provides individuals and organizations with the ability to create web-based applications for Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The engineer and team members who developed the new platform for BCH stressed that...

Tips for Writing Animation Code Efficiently

I’ve been coding web animations and helping others do the same for years now. However, I have yet to see a concise list of tips focused on how to efficiently build animations, so here you go! I will be using the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP). It provides a simple, readable API and solves...

Hundreds of Darknet Listings Are Selling Masks and PPE Products for Bitcoin

According to a recent research report written by the blockchain surveillance firm Elliptic, there’s been a massive influx of darknet market (DNM) vendors selling personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks and coronavirus test kits. The spike in medical equipment sales on the invisible...

CSS Foldable Display Polyfill

Foldable phones are starting to be a thing. Early days, for sure, but some are already shipping, and they definitely have web browsers on them. Stands to reason that, as web designers, we are going to want to know where that fold is so we can design screens that fit onto the top half and bottom...

The WebAIM Million—Updated

This report made a big splash last year. It’s a large chunk of research that shows just how terribly the web does with accessibility. It’s been updated this year and (drumroll…) we got a little worse. I’ll use their blockquote: The number of errors increased 2.1% between...

Česká televize spustila výukový web ČT Edu. Obsahuje přes 3 tisíce videí

Česká televize spustila další projekt, který mohou školáci využít ke vzdělávání, zatímco kvůli koronavirové pandemii pobývají doma. Tentokrát jde o výukový web ČT Edu, který obsahuje více než tři tisíce videí rozdělených do dvaceti předmětů, včetně dějepisu, biologie apod. Videa jsou roztříděna i

Some Typography Links

I just can’t stop bookmarking great links related to typography. I’m afraid I’m going to have to subject you, yet again, to a bunch of them all grouped up. So those of you that care about web type stuff, enjoy. I know there are lots of good reasons to be excited about variable...

Why Do Some HTML Elements Become Deprecated?

The internet has been around for a long while, and over time we’ve changed the way we think about web design. Many old techniques and ways of doing things have gotten phased out as newer and better alternatives have been created, and we say that they have been deprecated. Deprecated. It’s a word...

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