The Differences in Web Hosting (Go with the Happy Path)
One of our readers checked out “Helping a Beginner Understand Getting a Website Live” and had some follow up questions specifically about hosting providers. Here’s what they asked:
What’s the difference between hosting providers? For example, what is the difference...
What Is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency also termed as Digital or Virtual currency is considered as a form of asset and the currency is designed to work as an exchange medium. Crytpocurrency uses strong cryptography to secure the financial transactions. All these cryptocurrencies work on the … Continued
The post What...
Recreating Game Elements for the Web: The Among Us Card Swipe
As a web developer, I pay close attention to the design of video games. From the HUD in Overwatch to the catch screen in Pokemon Go to hunting in Oregon Trail, games often have interesting mechanics and satisfying interactions, …
The post Recreating Game Elements for the Web: The Among...
Seznam Premium: Další český web nabízí předplatné, zbaví vás reklam ve videích
9.2.2021 spustil placenou službu Premium. Ta za poplatek odstraní reklamy z videí na webech provozovaných Seznamem. Patří mezi ně například, nebo Seznam Zprávy. Poplatek se platí výhradně rovnou na celý rok a vychází na 339 Kč.
Po přepočet na měsíc vychází poplatek na 29 Kč
[aktualita] Web české CNN překonal hranici tří milionů reálných uživatelů
Zpravodajský web CNN Prima News se zařadil mezi šest nejnavštěvovanějších internetových stránek ve své kategorii. V lednu ho podle NetMonitoru navštívilo 3 152 964 reálných uživatelů. Web televizní skupiny Prima ( vykázal za stejné období rekordních 4 906 930 uživatelů. Internetová odnož...
U.S. Woman Charged Over Attempted Dark Web Murder-for-Hire Paid With Bitcoin
The woman allegedly presented a sum of over $5,000 in bitcoin to a dark web admin as proof she could afford the hit
DeFi snowball will turn into a Web 3.0 avalanche
We are at a pivotal moment in the history of the internet. And DeFi is a symptom of the real shift from centralized services to decentralized
Tesla Has $1.5 Billion Worth of Bitcoin on Its Balance Sheet, Plans to Accept BTC for Products
The publicly listed firm Tesla has announced in a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-k filing that the company has purchased $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin. When the news broke, the price of the leading crypto asset jumped well over 15%, touching a new all-time price high at $44,899...
[aktualita] Na Sbazaru řádí podvodníci, snaží se lidem vykrást účty skrze falešný web
Na online tržišti se rozmohly podvody. Avast upozorňuje na legitimně se tvářící inzeráty na elektroniku a další zboží, které se snaží zájemce o koupi odlákat na externí web vypadající jako Sbazar. Tam se má dokončit nákup, ve skutečnosti je ale cílem pouze získat prostředky z kreditní...
Crypto Patent Alliance Questions Craig Wright’s White Paper Copyright Claim
Back in January, the notorious Craig Wright who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto had his lawyers send letters to a number of websites like telling them to remove the Bitcoin white paper hosted on their web portals. On January 31,’s owner Cobra claimed he was threatened...
Fix “no such file or directory, scandir”
After 15+ years in the web development industry, and seeing the landscape of tooling change, I’ve really lost patience with tooling errors. Like…Old Man Walsh™ just wants yarn install to work so he can get on with his work day. One recent error I ran into was from a dependency...
'Shop Contest: Super Bowl 2021
The big game! The final match. The super thing! Whatever you call it, the Super Bowl is today. Seems weird to hold a Super Bowl during a pandemic, but hey, what do I know. Read more
Unlike the Early Web, Crypto Does Not Need State Patronage
Blockchain doesn't need ARPANET-type government support. But co-ordination and collective action are vital to avoid duplication of effort
UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #14
Some selected animation shots that explore experimental and modern ideas for interactions on the web.
The post UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #14 appeared first on Codrops
UTU Protocol and Oasis Foundation Form a Strategic Alliance
UTU Protocol, a pioneer in digital models of trust infrastructure, has now joined forces with Oasis Foundation, blockchain-based scalable and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions provider, to pave the way to the amalgamation of the synergies of the two in the trust infrastructure segment. Oasis...
Crypto-Friendly Travel Firm Travala Becomes the First Merchant to Offer Binance Pay as a Payment Method
Crypto-friendly travel website Travala has announced the integration of a brand-new payment application, Binance Pay. With such a move, the travel booking company becomes the first merchant to implement Binance Pay as a payment form after its launch on Feb. 3. Five Cryptos and One Fiat Currency...
Robinhood saga reveals deeper flaw about Web 2.0: Oasis Labs executive
Robinhood’s ability to limit tradable assets on a whim reflects the limitations of Web 2.0 interfaces, according to the COO of a privacy-focused blockchain network
Some Performance Blog Posts I’ve Bookmarked and Read Lately
Back/forward cache — I always assumed browsers just do fancy stuff with the back/forward buttons and us developers had very little control. Philip Walton tells us it’s critical that we understand “what makes pages eligible (and ineligible) for bfcache to
The post Some...
.NFT Web Domain Extension Scooped Up for Record $84K by Kenetic’s Jehan Chu
Jehan Chu, who owns 1,300 Handshake domains, will be able to issue an unlimited number of subdomains under the .NFT extension. The Previous Owner Bought Extension for Less Than $600 Amid the rally in major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, non-fungible tokens (NFT) have experienced...
Ještě nemáte dost „příběhů“? Google přináší Web Stories pro redakční systém WordPress
Prakticky na všech významných sociálních sítích dnes můžete narazit na „příběhy“ („stories“). Jedná se o příspěvky s omezenou platností, určené k rychlé konzumaci – tedy zpravidla stavící na obrázcích, fotkách či videích doprovázených hudbou a doplněných titulky, nálepkami a emotikonami.