
Nalezeno "See": 1764

Did You Know the Ordered List Element Has Start and Reversed Attributes?

I sure didn't! Tomek Sułkowsi shows how we can reverse the numbering of ordered lists with a simple HTML attribute: <ol reversed<liApple</li<liBanana</li<liPear</li</ol CodePen Embed Fallback And the start attribute can be added to begin the list at a number other...

Different Favicon for Development

I bet a lot of us tend to have the production website and the development website up simultaneously a lot. It's almost a developer cliché at this point to make some local change, refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh, and just not see the change, only to discover you were looking at the production...

CSS Can Influence Screenreaders

Ben Myers covers some clear examples of where CSS totally changes what some screen readers announce. For example, some screenreader will see text-transform: uppercase; on a button label that says "Add" and read it like an abbreviation, "A.D.D." These cases of CSS messing with our screenreader...

Flexible Repeating SVG Masks

Tyler Gaw reminds us that mask-image can repeat, resize, and move just like background-image does, which is fun to combine and play with. I could see it being a fun option for an <hr, like Sara is doing. CodePen Embed Fallback Direct Link to Article — Permalink… Read article...

Countdown to Block Reward Reduction – 18 Days Until Bitcoin Cash Halving

In 18 days, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network will see its next halving as the block reward will decrease from 12.5 to 6.25 coins on or around April 8, 2020. BCH will be the first blockchain out of the top three SHA256 networks to halve as BSV will see a reward reduction two days after […] The...

Flexbox and absolute positioning

Chen Hui Jing notes that when you absolutely position a flex item, it's no longer part of the flex layout. Except... it kinda is a little bit. If you make the child position: absolute; but don't apply any top/right/bottom/left properties, then flexbox alignment will still apply to it. It's odd...

A Complete Guide to calc() in CSS

CSS has a special calc() function for doing basic math. Here's an example: .main-content { /* Subtract 80px from 100vh */ height: calc(100vh - 80px); } In this guide, let's cover just about everything there is to know about this very useful function. calc() is for values The only place you...

15 Things to Improve Your Website Accessibility

This is a really great list from Bruce. There is a lot of directly actionable stuff here. Send it around to your team and make it something that you all go through together. Here's a little one that prodded me to finally fix... Most screen readers allow the user to quickly see a list of links...

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