
Nalezeno "Trump": 1935

Trump Hasn't Been Arrested But AI Images Keep Fooling People

The former U.S. president Donald Trump still walks free as of the time of writing. But certain AI-generated photos on Twitter tell a different story. These deepfakes depict a world where one of the most powerful white men in America can be treated like any other citizen, meaning actually be held...

Donald Trump dostane zpět účty na Facebooku a Instagramu

Více než dva roky poté, co Facebook v souvislosti s útoky na budovu amerického Kongresu odebral tehdejšímu prezidentu Donaldu Trumpovi přístup k jeho účtům na Facebooku a Instagramu, se americký politik bude smět na tyto sociání sítě vrátit. Oznámil to Nick Clegg, člen vedení firmy Meta, která...

Washington Post Shutting Down Gaming Section Amid Wider Layoffs

The Washington Post imposed more layoffs on Tuesday just a week after owner Jeff Bezos visited its Washington D.C. office. Among the ritual sacrifices will be Launcher, the newspaper’s burgeoning gaming section, which routinely broke important news stories, landed big interviews, and asked...

Trump’s NFT collection seems unstable over the weekend

Donald Trump’s NFT collection,  announced for release recently, goes through a rough swing during the weekend – December 18, 2022, and December 19, 2022. According to data shared by OpenSea, the price of the NFT collection peaked at 0.839 ETH before falling to 0.295 ETH over the weekend....

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