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Bestiální vraždy „sekerníka z New Orleans“ zůstávají dodnes neobjasněny

Psal se 19. březen 1919 a i v té nejzapadlejší uličce amerického New Orleans byl slyšet jazz. Ne snad že by byl každý obyvatel největšího města Louisiany milovníkem této hudby. V novinách však o týden dříve vyšel vzkaz sériového vraha zvaného „sekerník z New Orleans“, ve kterém varoval před dalším...

Zajímavosti ze světa videoher zmapuje nový pořad New Game +

Televize Seznam začne od čtvrtka vysílat nový herní pořad New Game +, ve kterém budou největší zajímavosti ze světa videoher hodnotit populární moderátoři z herní branže Alžběta Trojanová a Mikoláš Tuček. Oba dříve působili v pořadu Re-Play na televizi Prima Cool

People Digging into Grid Sizing and Layout Possibilities

Jen Simmons has been coining the term intrinsic design, referring to a new era in web layout where the sizing of content has gone beyond fluid columns and media query breakpoints and into, I dunno, something a bit more exotic. For example, columns that are sized more by content and guidelines than...

How to Set Commit Author

I’ve worn dozens of hats on a dozen different teams during my time at Mozilla, but none has been as rewarding and challenging as community management. Whether it’s mentoring students, welcoming new contributors, or reviewing pull requests, there’s always so much to be done....

Add Animations to React Apps with React-Lottie

So your designer just came up with an amazing new animation on Adobe After Effects for your web application, fantastic! Just one problem, how do you convert this to a format usable within your web


This is not a sponsored post. I requested a beta access for this site called Stackbit a while back, got my invite the other day, and thought it was a darn fine idea that's relevant to us web nerds — particularly those of us who spin up a lot of JAMstack sites. I'm a big fan of the whole idea...

3 Tools to Keep npm Packages Updated

Keeping npm packages up to date is a chore. Sometimes it can turn into a disastrous chore since updating packages to a new major number could potentially break your apps. Even with the

Using React Loadable for Code Splitting by Components and Routes

In a bid to have web applications serve needs for different types of users, it’s likely that more code is required than it would be for one type of user so the app can handle and adapt to different scenarios and use cases, which lead to new features and functionalities. When this happens, it’s...

Recreating the Facebook Messenger Gradient Effect with CSS

One Sunday morning, I woke up a little earlier than I would’ve liked to, thanks to the persistent buzzing of my phone. I reached out, tapped into Facebook Messenger, and joined the conversation. Pretty soon my attention went from the actual conversations to the funky gradient effect of the message...

Moving a Self-Hosted WordPress Site to

I have a habit of getting some hosting when I need a new WordPress site. That is, a self-installed, self-hosted site. That's served me well over the years. I like my control. But along with that control comes a certain level of extra responsibility that sometimes just isn't worth...

Serverless CloudFlare Workers Are Pretty Awesome

Serverless is the new black. I mean everybody I know is moving to the serverless platforms or launching one. OK, maybe not everyone but CloudFlare is definitely moving in this direction with an aud

Welcome to My New Office

My first professional web development was at a small print shop where I sat in a windowless cubical all day. I suffered that boxed in environment for almost five years before I was able to find a remote job where I worked from home. The first thing I told myself when leaving that first...

JavaScript Glossary: String concat()

Basics This method is used to join the calling string and the provided string arguments. It returns a new String object containing the calling string and the provided arguments . If no arg

JavaScript Glossary: Array unshift() Method

Basics The unshift array method appends a number of values to the start of a given array. It then returns the new length of the array. This method can take a number of argumen

Grid Reveal Effects with Anime.js

Some experiments with the new staggering system of Anime.js where we try different effects for hiding and showing thumbnails in an image grid. Grid Reveal Effects with Anime.js was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

A Site for Front-End Development Conferences (Built with 11ty on Netlify)

I built a new little site! It's a site for listing upcoming conferences in the world of front-end web design and development. In years past (like 2017), Sarah Drasner took up this daunting job. We used a form for new conference submissions, but it was still a rather manual task of basically...

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the JavaScript

Around this time last year, I wrote an article about the JavaScript learning landscape. Within that article, you’ll find my grand plans to learn JavaScript — complete with a link to a CodePen Collection I started for tracking my progress, and it even got dozens of comments cheering me on. Like most...

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